A Quote by Lee Smolin

Science moves fastest when there's plenty of debate and controversy. — © Lee Smolin
Science moves fastest when there's plenty of debate and controversy.
We pretend that the debate about genetically modified crops is a debate about science when the reality is, actually, that the science is very clear. It is really a debate about values.
He moves fastest who moves alone.
...the debate among the scientists if over. There is no more debate. We face a planetary emergency. There is no more scientific debate among serious people who've looked at the science...Well, I guess in some quarters, there's still a debate over whether the moon landing was staged in a movie lot in Arizona, or whether the Earth is flat instead of round.
Wit has its place in debate; in controversy it is a legitimate weapon, offensive and defensive.
When a politician says, concerning an issue involving science, that the debate is over, you may be sure the debate is rolling on and not going swimmingly for his side.
Though it has plenty of competitors, Slack claims to be the 'fastest growing business application in history'.
Rally points scoring is twenty for the fastest, eighteen for the second fastest, right down to six points for the slowest fastest.
Whether thats positive or not, people are talking about the Old Vic Theater again with passion and commitment and controversy and debate.
Whether that's positive or not, people are talking about the Old Vic Theater again with passion and commitment and controversy and debate.
We're not going to be the fastest-growing or the biggest. I think there's plenty of room for a little old sandwich shop like ours.
In an echo of earlier times, the climate change prophets have in recent years tried to silence counter views and suppress dissent. August members of the Royal Society, a body once noted for its cultivation of debate in science, are now leaders of the 'science is settled' camp: the only debate they consider to be legitimate is about choice among the different forms of the centralized action they believe is required to deal with the problems they foresee.
Political success is often dependent on the ability to be heard above the din of controversy and debate and to set a course with one's own compass.
In science, the best precept is to alter and exchange our ideas as fast as science moves ahead.
If you publish a scientific paper it is very hard to start a nationwide debate about something. If you do this in a movie, you can start a debate. We like to create a bridge between those two worlds - film and science.
There is plenty of television. There are plenty of talk shows. There are plenty of comedians. But there is not plenty of worship of the true and living God.
The truth about the climate crisis is still inconvenient to the large carbon polluters. And so they want to bob and weave and dodge the truth, and pretend like it's still a big controversy, and it's not. They want to pretend that this is up for debate. Like, whether or not the world is round is up for debate, or whether the moon landing really took place.
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