A Quote by Leif Enger

Of all facial expressions, which is the worst to have aimed at you? Wouldn't you agree it's disgust? — © Leif Enger
Of all facial expressions, which is the worst to have aimed at you? Wouldn't you agree it's disgust?
I know how to play comedy when it's needed. So even when it's really not there, my facial expressions are really great. I have a lot of facial expressions in my face, you know.
Being in school, whenever I laughed or smiled, I would turn to find someone staring at me with this terrible hatred and disgust. I had to control everything - control my voice, control my facial expressions, control my hair and my clothes, and where I walked and where I sat - at every moment. I think that drove me to terrible anxiety.
I'm big on facial expressions, and I'm big on mannerisms, which I find to be hilarious.
I see all of my facial expressions and I think 'Wow!'
You can't do opera when already from the 10th row you can only see little dolls on the stage. In such an enormous space you can't put much faith in the personal presence of the individual singer, which is reflected in facial expressions, among other things.
I live in the facial expressions of the other, as I feel him living in mine.
Wrestling is a universal language. The moves, the facial expressions, most people understand.
Few animals display their mood via facial expressions as distinctly as cats.
Don't let my facial expressions fool you. I try to stay poised and calm at all times, but I'm having a blast.
When making documentaries, the most important thing I learned was to listen, observe gestures and facial expressions.
Someone told me I had funny facial expressions. I don't know whether I take that as a compliment or not, but.
You can tell a lot about a person just by watching their facial expressions. But there are times when it's best to hide your feelings, especially at work.
Just the fact that there's motion and sound, took me a long time on Walking Dead to get used to the fact that in television, characters don't have to say things. In comics, people have to say I feel this way, or I want to do this, and you can do so much with gesture and movement and facial expressions that you can do sometimes facial expression stuff in comics, but you can do so more if somebody can move around without actually speaking. That leads to a different style of writing between the two mediums.
Studies have shown touch to be the primary language of compassion, love and gratitude - emotions at the heart of trust and cooperation - even more than facial expressions and voice. Touch is the central medium in which the goodness of one individual can spread to another. Touch is the original contact high.
Take the emotional temperature of those listening to you. Facial expressions, voice inflection and posture give clues to a person's mood and attitude.
Comedy's easy for me now - it's all about timing and the way you deliver lines. I use facial expressions to get the point across.
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