A Quote by Lemmy Kilmister

Every generation thinks they are stronger than the generation before it. They think, "It can't happen to me." In the past people have died making that same mistake. — © Lemmy Kilmister
Every generation thinks they are stronger than the generation before it. They think, "It can't happen to me." In the past people have died making that same mistake.
Every generation thinks things are happening that have never happened before. Every generation of people thinks we're in the last days. Every generation's filled with pessimists. But when you have the Millennials generation, a majority of which have never had a job - you might even be able to put the period there: "Have never had a job, period" - or never had a job in a healthy economy.
All of my peers died of AIDS, and I have no one to celebrate my past or my journey, or to help me pass down stories to the next generation. We lost an entire generation of storytellers with HIV.
Every generation always thinks it was better before, and I think people have been saying this for probably thousands of years.
I do not think that there is any time in our history when things were perfect. I do not expect such times in the near future either. But I think every generation has to examine what needs to be done, what belongs to its peace and proceed. And so what needs to be done will change with time depending on the conditions, whatever the conditions happen to be. And they will not be the same for generation after generation.
Throughout our history each and every generation has expanded upon the freedoms won by their parents and grandparents. Each and every generation has removed some of the barriers to full participation in the American dream. And the next great barrier standing before our generation is the prohibition on marriage for same-sex couples
If you've been in the art world for more than eight years, you realize another generation is making the exact same work as the previous generation - but treating it like it's never been done before. It becomes very cyclical very quickly.
Every new generation in its hour of dawn, filled with the dreams of youth, its thirsts, intoxications and enthusiasms, thinks itself called upon to impel humanity towards heights unmeasured, believes itself an appointed pathfinder, a thinker of thoughts, a doer of deeds greater than any of those which came before. Every new generation desires beauty, but a beauty all its own.
Perhaps every generation thinks of itself as a lost generation and perhaps every generation is right.
However much one generation learns from another, it can never learn from its predecessor the genuinely human factor. In this respect every generation begins afresh. Thus no generation has learned from another how to love, no generation can begin other than at the beginning.
Every generation thinks their music is the ultimate. But there's great stuff from every generation.
Each generation is smarter than the generation before, and they need total diversion and encouragement and things to think about.
I think with each generation comes more opportunity. At least that's the way that I see it. I grew up in a generation that watched the birth of the internet. We all have. But I feel like I look around at the generation younger than me and it's a very opportunistic mantra.
Everybody talks about the entitlement generation. There is no time I'd rather live in than now, and there is no generation I would more entrust the future of this country to than this one. There is a tendency to live in a nostalgic state in this country, and to think that other generations possessed an integrity and a tenacity greater than the generation that is now. I wholeheartedly disagree with that. I believe that this is a group that will rise up to any challenge that comes before them as well as any other generation in America would have done.
I don't subscribe to the view that talent is deteriorating. I think every generation is brighter than their previous generation.
I think as time goes on that generation of rappers who's making it now is gonna face the same thing that my generation was facing, which is the decrease of sales. The decrease of hard-copies.
Our generation, and that of our children, will face its share of crises, just like every generation in the past. When those calls come, will you be ready? The answer depends on how we educate the next generation.
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