A Quote by Leo Aikman

The best way to break a bad habit is to drop it. — © Leo Aikman
The best way to break a bad habit is to drop it.
The only way to break a bad habit was to replace it with a better habit.
The best way to stop a bad habit is never to begin it.
A fixed habit is supported by old, well-worn pathways in the brain. When you make conscious choices to change a habit, you create new pathways. At the same time, you strengthen the decision-making function of the cerebral cortex while diminishing the grip of the lower, instinctual brain. So without judging your habit, whether it feels like a good one or a bad one, take time to break the routine, automatic response that habit imposes.
It's a very bad habit, but one I find hard to break.
The truth is, you don't break a bad habit; you replace it with a good one.
What we know from lab studies is that it's never too late to break a habit. Habits are malleable throughout your entire life. But we also know that the best way to change a habit is to understand its structure - that once you tell people about the cue and the reward and you force them to recognize what those factors are in a behavior, it becomes much, much easier to change.
It is easier to learn a bad habit than to break one. It is easier to break a good habit than to learn one.
A single bad habit will mar an otherwise faultless character, as an ink-drop soileth the pure white page.
You can't break a bad habit by throwing it out the window. You've got to walk it slowly down the stairs.
Sometimes, the hardest habit to break is the habit of doing nothing beyond the necessary.
The hardest habit of all to break is the terrible habit of happiness.
I've just remained open to growing. What I mean by that is, when you're an older athlete you can become set in your ways. Each year I try to break a bad habit.
There are things we do out of habit that are not always good for us. Break the bad habits and develop some good ones.
Most people have a blank slate and can start from nothing. But for me, I had to break a bad habit that I've been doing all of my life, which is freestyle hip-hop.
It takes a habit to break a habit. You can pray every day for a generous heart, but until you start acting in that direction, nothing's going to change.
Habit 1: Be Proactive Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind Habit 3: Put First Things First Habit 4: Think Win/Win Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Habit 6: Synergize Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
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