A Quote by Leon Panetta

When you're smaller and leaner, you're not going to have that large a presence throughout the world. — © Leon Panetta
When you're smaller and leaner, you're not going to have that large a presence throughout the world.
Films have gotten leaner and leaner, cutting out all variations from the story line.
Seriously, a smaller, leaner, cleaner, tuskless and more secretive elephant is exactly what is needed. It definitely would live longer.
We need a smaller, leaner Washington. It won't happen if we raise taxes without any coinciding reform and serious slashing of spending.
I believe we are going to move into a situation where the more effective conferences will be smaller, more specialized, more focused, with occasional large gatherings to get the attention of the larger world.
It's so large" "It's the world dear, did you think it'd be small?" "smaller
Big Government is the small option: it's the guarantee of smaller freedom, smaller homes, smaller cars, smaller opportunities, smaller lives.
That is the magic of travel. You leave your home secure in your own knowledge and identity. But as you travel, the world in all it's richness intervenes. You meet people you could not invent; you see scenes you could not imagine. Your own world, which was so large as to consume your whole life, becomes smaller and smaller until it is only one tiny dot in time and space. You return a different person.
There is no object so large but that at a great distance from the eye it does not appear smaller than a smaller object near.
In comparison to other women in the world, perhaps I'm seen as smaller. But I've never had a problem thinking of myself as a large woman.
The costs can't be borne by smaller counties particularly, so if the crime occurs in a large county you might be charged with the death penalty, in a smaller county you're not. That raises some significant questions about fairness.
Germany is an economic giant but a political midget, and with the end of the Cold War she has started to muscle her presence throughout Europe and the world.
I chose to start Schwarzman Scholars because I saw the potential for the world to become focused and unhappy with China, in large part because of the populism that was growing throughout the world.
All Hell is smaller than one pebble of your earthly world; but it is smaller than one atom of this world, the Real World.
By and large, most of the work that we see in the great museums throughout the world are populated with people who don't happen to look like me.
The art world is a bit smaller than the music world, and the music world is a bit smaller than the cinema world. But the art world is pretty tight even though the biggest thing that's happened to it is the auctions, which are the only reason people on the outside know anything about it.
Being involved with Oxfam has really opened my eyes to the world at large and the suffering of others. But my background and my life experience are what have allowed me to understand how interconnected we all are. I believe one person suffering reverberates throughout the world.
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