A Quote by Lev Grossman

I'm not one of your knockabout, knuckle-scarred, Internet-controversy-courting book critics. Occasionally I stumble into controversy accidentally, but not because I enjoy it. It's probably just because I'm a weird person.
I don't like courting controversy because I don't like people not liking me.
Controversy for the sake of controversy is sin. Controversy for the sake of truth is a divine command.
Jesus' life was a storm of controversy. The apostles, like the prophets before them, could hardly go a day without controversy. Paul said that he debated daily in the marketplace. To avoid controversy is to avoid Christ. We can have peace, but it is a servile and carnal peace where truth is slain in the streets.
When there is a spirit of controversy in the church or in the land, a revival is needful. The spirit of religion is not the spirit of controversy. There can be no prosperity in religion, where the spirit of controversy prevails.
Evolution is a large political controversy as to what should be taught in the schools. But there is no scientific controversy that we evolved when we talk about evidence from fossils and DNA.
Controversy is always a beautiful thing. I love controversy and I try to fan it as much as I can without having my husband's head pop off!
Attacks on alternative religious groups are attempts to psychologize - to medicalize - a controversy that, on deeper examination, is clearly a controversy over ideology and lifestyle.
No sane person should believe that something is subjective merely because it cannot be settled beyond controversy.
If people can't take the heat and can't take the controversy then they shouldn't be involved in advertising of reality TV because there is so much heat and controversy in reality TV.
It was just a wonderful experience, one for the memory book for sure. The sad thing about it was that the picture came under this absurd cloud of controversy. Here was a movie based on the central theme that racism is something that is taught, and it's illustrated by this story of a dog and the efforts of humans to re-train it after it had been trained to go after black people. And it created this ridiculous controversy and wound up being the last Hollywood movie that Sam [Fuller] made.
I think controversy is not always a bad thing. Jesus was controversial. It's through controversy that people often wake up and smell the coffee and say, 'What's going on here? Do we need to rethink something here?'
Yeah, I am controversy's favourite child. But I am of the opinion that I come back stronger after every controversy.
I think you don't do work for controversy alone, and whenever you do new work which people don't understand and they say it is done to create controversy.
I am disappointed by this controversy surrounding A Million Little Pieces because I rely on the publishers to define the category that a book falls within and also the authenticity of the work.
I'm not really interested in courting controversy, but I am interested in exploring issues that other people would deem to be controversial.
Controversy What controversy This is reality. What I see is that no matter if you're a conservative or a liberal or whatever side you stand on, this is the reality of the situation - that people's families and their young kids are being affected.
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