A Quote by Li Yuanchao

The Chinese have a habit of reading. Many families regard books as the most valuable family asset. — © Li Yuanchao
The Chinese have a habit of reading. Many families regard books as the most valuable family asset.
I was always an avid reader of books. My vocabulary, my English are all thanks to that reading habit. Reading keeps me grounded. I came from a very middle class family - poor, in fact.
Style is the most valuable asset of the modern artist. That's probably why so many styles are reported lost or stolen each year.
I started reading Dickens when I was about 12, and I particularly liked all of the orphan books. I always liked books about young people who are left on their own with the world, and the four children's books I've written feature that very thing: children that are abandoned by their families or running away from their families or ignored by their families and having to grow up quicker than they should, like David Copperfield - having to be the hero of their own story.
For most people, their home is their most valuable asset. Yet most of us don't take care of it.
Radio is the medium that most closely approximates the experience of reading. As a novelist, I find it very exciting to be able to reach people who might not ever pick up one of my books, either because they can't afford it (as is often the case in Latin America), or because they just don't have the habit of reading novels.
The truth is that most families have no smart ones and no pretty ones. Most families are a bunch of unattractive dopes. And it turns out that the Bush family, like most families, has no smart ones. I was not surprised to see this.
Extended families have never been the norm in America; the highest figure for extended-family households ever recorded in Americanhistory is 20 percent. Contrary to the popular myth that industrialization destroyed "traditional" extended families, this high point occurred between 1850 and 1885, during the most intensive period of early industrialization. Many of these extended families, and most "producing" families of the time, depended on the labor of children; they were held together by dire necessity and sometimes by brute force.
Time is the most valuable asset you don't own.
Data is the most valuable asset in the world.
Good conscience is the most valuable asset of all!
Many savers are also homeowners; indeed, a family's home may be its most important financial asset. Many savers are working, or would like to be.
Most of the time what I am reading is leadership books, books on the mind and a lot of deep stuff about spiritual stuff and Christian stuff. So most of my free time is spent reading. I try to read 1-to-2 books a month.
I believe that the habit of constant reading of good books and scholarly periodicals and magazines in many disciplines is vital to give a larger perspective and to constantly sense the interdependent nature of life.
If you do not give 110% in your life, I promise your life will haunt you for the rest of your days. Time is the most valuable asset on Earth, a depreciating asset, don’t waste another moment of life where you are not at your fullest potential getting the most out of the time you have in life.
The most valuable asset a nation has is the creativity of its children.
There were many books in my parents' home. I'm from a family of five children and we were all readers. And so by the time I left home, I had already read many books, and I was very interested in reading more. That was when I started to have the desire to write. But it wasn't like a divine apparition with angels and seraphins on high. Not for me, at least.
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