A Quote by Lidia Bastianich

I think people make it too systematic in a way, like it's a chemistry formula. Food is not like that; food is very forgiving. Connecting and making do with a lot of the food elements can be fun and exciting.
I grew up in a food-obsessed Italian family, so food was always front and center in my life. I was a food obsessed person who morphed into a comedian and tried to figure out a way to make fun of my cake and eat it too.
A lot of artists are good cooks as I'm too, but coming from a culture that was very concerned with food, I was very interested in that from the start. If you're interested in food, you're interested in lots of different aspects of culture. And it's like being interested in the music from a certain area, or writing, or whatever-food is part of that, too.
I ate fantastic Italian food in Croatia, which you wouldn't expect. The food in Istanbul was amazing. I never would've expected that and the food, I guess you're learning something about me, the food in Prague, they're very, very heavy meat eaters, like, a lot of meat, which is great.
Food is a great literary theme. Food in eternity, food and sex, food and lust. Food is a part of the whole of life. Food is not separate.
If there was ever a food that had politics behind it, it is soul food. Soul food became a symbol of the black power movement in the late 1960s. Chef Marcus Samuelsson, with his soul food restaurant Red Rooster in Harlem, is very clear about what soul food represents. It is a food of memory, a food of labor.
I love Chinese food, like steamed dim sum, and I can have noodles morning, noon and night, hot or cold. I like food that's very simple on the digestive system - I tend to keep it light. I love Japanese food too - sushi, sashimi and miso soup.
I love food, all types of food. I love Korean food, Japanese, Italian, French. In Australia, we don't have a distinctive Australian food, so we have food from everywhere all around the world. We're very multicultural, so we grew up with lots of different types of food.
I make my food in such a way that people can eat it every single day. My dad passed away from a heart attack, so it's always been very important for me to make food I love, the food we made growing up, but in a way that it won't be harmful to my body or to the people I love. Just as long as it's not boring. It has to be flavorful and delicious.
The thing that people have said over and over again, especially people who don't cook, is, 'I watch your show, the food makes me hungry, and I think I can make that.' That's exciting because we've heard that a lot of people watch cooking shows but don't make the food.
I have a lot of fake food in my apartment, but I'm picky about it. Old plaster food, like from the '50s is really nice, hollowed out paper-mache food from old plays - the new stuff just looks too good.
I was upset about getting $40 haircuts, like, every month. That's a lot of money, and so, man, that's a lot of food. That's a waste. No more. So I'm, like, letting it go so I have more food. My budget's good for food now.
I spend so much money on food, just getting the food for me is a tremendous expense, so there's no way I could even think about paying for supplements. I think of all supplements as food derivative anyway, so If I can only choose between getting the food or the supplements I'd rather opt for the food.
Let’s get one thing straight: Mexican food takes a certain amount of time to cook. If you don’t have the time, don’t cook it. You can rush a Mexican meal, but you will pay in some way. You can buy so-called Mexican food at too many restaurants that say they cook Mexican food. But the real food, the most savory food, is prepared with time and love and at home. So, give up the illusion that you can throw Mexican food together. Just understand that you are going to have to make and take the time.
Like all food, whether you're talking about Persian food, or Chinese food, or Swedish food, it's always a reflection of wars, trading, a bunch of good and a bunch of bad. But what's left is always the food story.
I'm a big fan of Caribbean food, Spanish food, Dominican food - like rice and beans. Hot sauce just adds a different layer of boom to the food, you feel me?
Im a big fan of Caribbean food, Spanish food, Dominican food - like rice and beans. Hot sauce just adds a different layer of boom to the food, you feel me?
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