A Quote by Linda McCartney

We think we want to do something and when it comes to it, we don't. We don't like to commit. — © Linda McCartney
We think we want to do something and when it comes to it, we don't. We don't like to commit.
They are no longer going to serve you well. You have to commit. I think the biggest word is commit. I hear women say to me all the time, and men - I want to, I want to.
I think television is a big commitment, so it has to be something that you're really excited about and something that you want to potentially commit a lot of time to.
I think when you are young and you don't really know what you want in life, you can commit to something and think at the time it is right.
When I commit to working with an artist, I give them as much respect as I would like and if I'm not going to commit that way, then I don't want to work with you.
I do think it is important to look at the writing as a job though and to commit to it like you'd have to commit to a regular nine-to-five.
Moving along the upward spiral requires us to learn, commit, and do on increasingly higher planes. We deceive ourselves if we think that any one of these is sufficient. To keep progressing, we must learn, commit, and do-learn, commit, and do-and learn, commit, and do again.
I do understand what it is to not want to commit to someone, knowing that might bring pain or commit to a life that has to do with being responsible to people other than myself. These things, I think, are normal things.
Oh yeah, I think about kids all the time. I feel like the next person I commit to, that's going to be the guy who I'm going to have kids with. That's in my crazy female brain. So that's why I'm like, 'I can't commit.'
Our minds, like our bodies, are in continual flux; something is hourly lost, and something acquired.... Do not suffer life to stagnate; it will grow muddy for want of motion: commit yourself again to the current of the world.
Find something you love and commit. Commit 100%. Put your head down, and work as hard as you can. Make it as best you can, and that's all you can really do. It doesn't sound like much, but lots of people don't do the work. And it's not men or women. Lots of people like to be the director, but don't like to do a lot of the work that is sometimes quite tedious.
Once you commit to something, you've got to commit the whole way. Try and make the best of it.
I tell my 5-year-old, 'Once you commit to something, stick it out.' I would never want him to look at Dad and think Dad was a quitter.
When I'm naked, I really like to do push-ups. No. I think I really tackle it like everything else. If you're going to commit yourself to playing something, you have to be able to understand it. If you can understand it, then you can do it and go balls out with it. But, I've never been in a position where I've been like, "This doesn't feel right." I wouldn't do it, if it was that. I like the shock value of it. I think that, if you use it correctly, it's pretty effective, as long as I'm lit really, really, really well.
You have to be driven by something greater than you, where you don't surrender, and you commit to something like that.
I don't think you necessarily identify and believe in the motifs of the character, but you have to want to play it and want to commit to the lines.
When you commit to something, you don't want to let your fellow people and yourself down.
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