A Quote by Lindsay Lohan

My motto is: Live every day to the fullest - in moderation. — © Lindsay Lohan
My motto is: Live every day to the fullest - in moderation.
God, thank you for waking me up this morning. I want to embrace every day, however limited my day may be, as a gift from God. I want to live this day to its fullest. I know there are things I can no longer do. I know I am facing daily limitations. But I want to focus on what I can do, not on what I cannot do. So help me God. I know this day will never be repeated. I know I cannot live it over again. Help me to live it to its fullest.
I give thanks every day for each new day that the Lord allows me to live and enjoy life to the fullest.
You can not bring back the past. But you certainly can not repeat it. Life is short, even if live to ninety. Live to the fullest - that's how I feel. Appreciate every moment, every hour, every day, because they do not blink of an eye, all over. I am absolutely sure that for most people their death comes as a surprise.
Every single day matters when it comes to building a world where every person can live their life to the fullest.
Life is unpredictable and you need to live every day to the fullest.
I've never thought about the end of my career. I've had this growing motto in my life to live day to day - and when you live day to day, it's hard to talk years.
I live every day to its fullest extent and I don't sweat the small stuff.
Live, laugh, love, every day to it's fullest, for who knows, tomorrow, may not be.
As young West Point cadets, our motto was 'duty, honor, country.' But it was in the field, from the rice paddies of Southeast Asia to the sands of the Middle East, that I learned that motto's fullest meaning. There I saw gallant young Americans of every race, creed and background fight, and sometimes die, for 'duty, honor, and their country.'
After 40, every day is a bonus. We should know how to live our lives to the fullest.
Just be happy with life itself, period. I mean, I live every day to the fullest, you know. Yeah, set your goals out there but make them reachable, because, you know, every day every situation changes, and that's in everyday life. That's not just in the war, you know.
Food ... love ... mother ... career ... Live every day to the fullest. Partake of the four basic guilt groups.
Keep to the middle if you wish to keep moderation. The mid way is the safe way. Moderation abides in the mean, and moderation is virtue. Every abiding place outside the bounds of moderation is only exile to the wise man.
One of the most wonderful things about being a Christian is that I don't ever get up in the morning and wonder if what I do matters. I live every day to the fullest because I can live it through Christ and I know no matter what I do today, I'm going to do something to advance the Kingdom of God.
I don't know whether having cancer has changed my attitude to life. I can't even say that now I live every day to the fullest I think I always have, really.
Moderation, honey, in all things but love and chocolate. That's my motto.
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