A Quote by Linton Kwesi Johnson

At the end of the day, life's about realising one's human potential. I don't know if I've realised mine, but I've certainly gone a long way towards realising some goals and some dreams.
You start realising as you get older that there are some kids who don't know who you are.
Once you start realising where you are, then you can start realising what you have to do to get the best results.
I like chance meetings - life is full of them. Every day, without realising it, I pass people whom I should know.
Trivially speaking, ecological awareness means realising that beings are interconnected in some way, but then we have to figure out what this interconnection actually means.
I think I'm realising more and more that I've got a job to do and I can't be doing the big nights out and working to my full potential the next day. I feel much better for it.
We can either watch life from the sidelines, or actively participate... Either we let self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy prevent us from realising our potential, or embrace the fact that when we turn our attention away from ourselves, our potential is limitless.
I'm happy, I'm healthy, I am not looking backwards - I'm only heading towards some kind of dreams of mine and living my dreams.
I'm used to realising all my dreams and targets through my determination and ambition.
If you always think about your dreams or goals, work steadfastly towards them and continue to challenge yourself, you will definitely be able to realise those dreams or goals.
I am hurt that some people criticise very harshly without even realising the hardships which we go through.
After realising my natural affinity towards surrealism several years ago I decided to study it's origins and definitions.
Most American films have now become mindless. The human element has been removed, so you are just left with the surrogate human, which is the robot, so coincidentally or, rather, ironically, they are making films about robots, without realising they are talking about themselves.
I remember being in China and realising how irrelevant not even Britain is, but also Europe. We're just another remote country that hardly impinges on some places at all.
We often come across certain directors who mention some of their own flops as their favourites. They will blame the viewers for not realising its merits. I think that is plain hypocrisy.
My mum told me to have patience. It's about realising that when things aren't going the way you want them to, or you don't have inspiration, it will come.
I'm realising my dream of owning a top football club. Some will doubt my motives, others will think I'm crazy.
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