A Quote by Linus Torvalds

If you think penguins are fat and waddle, you have never been attacked by one running at you in excess of 100 miles per hour. — © Linus Torvalds
If you think penguins are fat and waddle, you have never been attacked by one running at you in excess of 100 miles per hour.
Downhillers are going over 110 miles per hour. But no matter what, you can't hit the fence at 100 miles per hour.
The reason we tend to support Republicans is they're taking us toward the cliff at only 70 miles per hour miles an hour and the Democrats are taking us 100 miles an hour.
To hit 100 miles per hour, that's something. I couldn't believe it when I first saw it, but it's something I can do and think about.
We want to go 100 miles per hour and cause confusion for the defense. It can be a lot of fun.
I need a stimulating environment to write because my books are driven at 100 miles per hour at a time.
I was kind of wild. I enjoyed myself as a young man. I was moving 100 miles per hour - on and off the field.
I always look at these superhero films, and I see people hurdling towards at a hundred miles per hour, and then they get up, shake their head, and charge back at a hundred miles per hour. Nobody seems to really get injured or hurt. I don't find any threat in that. There is no tension in that whatsoever.
The last time I was pulled over was in 2005. I was going 55 in a 35 mile per hour zone - which I don't understand because you can barely even idle at 35 miles per hour. Anyway, I was ordered to go to traffic school. It was an 8-hour class and really painful.
I may have exaggerated a bit when I said that 80 per cent of the top 100 women are fat pigs. What I meant to say was 75 per cent of the top 100 women are fat pigs
I may have exaggerated a bit when I said that 80 per cent of the top 100 women are fat pigs. What I meant to say was 75 per cent of the top 100 women are fat pigs.
Well, Amber [Heard] is still raising her eyebrow at me because I said that I've been 180 miles per hour on the 405 freeway on a motorcycle and she doesn't believe me but it's a true story. I did it coming home from work at 3 in the morning on another movie I made about cars called Gone in 60 Seconds. I bought a Yamaha-1 and I was doing 180 miles per hour home on the 405 and that's really, really crazy but I did it.
My dad taught me to work hard and to be the same guy every day. If that's going 100 miles per hour and working hard, then that's what I'll do.
Getting back to 100 per cent is one thing, but working at 100 per cent is something else entirely. And given one of my main goals has always been improving my skill set, to do that, I need to be working out at 100 per cent.
You've got to be able to go 100 miles per hour in the ring, out of the ring, partying, and you've still got to make all your commitments.
I discovered years ago that the best results in this respect could be gained by running 100 miles weekly at my near best aerobic efforts and that, supplementary to this, running as many easy miles as I could
The speed limit on most of Maui's highways is forty miles per hour, but my mother never went above thirty.
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