A Quote by Linus Torvalds

I can mostly laugh at myself and this whole mess called "Linux developers," which means that I get along with most people and most people get along with me. — © Linus Torvalds
I can mostly laugh at myself and this whole mess called "Linux developers," which means that I get along with most people and most people get along with me.
Most of the actors that I've had the pleasure to work with are very easy to get along with. And whether they're getting paid or not getting paid doesn't necessarily make a difference. Most people are easy to work with and easy to get along with, but we mostly hear about the assholes who are really a pain in the ass, and we've all had our share of working with them.
You know the funny thing, I don't get along with rich people. I get along with the middle class and the poor people better than I get along with the rich people.
I think you know and I've said it pretty loud and clear that I get along with all politicians. I felt it was an obligation to get along, including with the Clintons and including with a lot of other people. It was very important for me to get along with politicians in my business.
Penn [Jillette] and Teller and I get along very well. We can call each other and say, "I'm working on this classic effect. Please, I'd like to do it for a while." We'll all respect it. There are people we don't get along with, but mostly there is a respect amongst the group.
Most people in the media aren't bad people. They just go along to get along and it's the group culture and the conditioning. As soon as they see that things are wrong, some of them will start speaking out and making a stand.
The most important thing to a lot of people, is to belong to something that's hip or whatever. To be a part of something that's not society, just a clique. And they get real sidetracked trying to think like everyone else. They don't realize that you have to motivate yourself to do things you want to do. Some people just like going along for the ride. And those are the kind of people I don't get along with too well.
I didn't get along with most of the players I played against, but the one guy I did get along with was my greatest rival, so it can be done.
I have so much to be thankful for. I work with the most amazing people, get to make people laugh for a living and have the most amazing friends. But, I am mostly thankful for Spanx.
The genius of our ruling class is that it has kept a majority of the people from ever questioning the inequity of a system where most people drudge along, paying heavy taxes for which they get nothing in return.
For great many species today, fitness means the ability to get along in a world in which humankind has become the most powerful evolutionary force.
They don't get along with me, but I get along with other people.
In real life, holidays are extremely stressful. They're the best of times and worst of times because you have got people trying to get along with people that you don't always get along with.
I love it when a woman hugs me. I love it when they say that I make them laugh because that means I'm doing what God called me to do. I love people. I love it when little old ladies come up and want to kiss me. It means so much to me that I get support and people know my heart. My fans know my heart and they get it.
If you cannot get along with yourself, you'll never be able to get along with other people.
I was in Moscow and I will tell you - you can get along with those people and get along with them well. You can make deals with those people. Obama can't.
That's the most important thing, to get along with people. When you feel like you click with them. That's more important even then what their background is or what they've done before, how good they are, how new they are or whatever. All that stuff is really secondary to just getting along with the person.
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