A Quote by Lisa Kleypas

I need you for a lot of things, Hardy. A lifetime's worth of things. — © Lisa Kleypas
I need you for a lot of things, Hardy. A lifetime's worth of things.
I can see the time coming when I won't need to be out there in the upper pyramid of climbing, but the things you gain from a lifetime of climbing are worth communicating.
Everything from a lifetime's worth of collecting things. You know as we go through life, and something stays and ends up on your shelf and lives there until you die? Just those little things.
Nothing lasts. So it's my belief, yes, I know a lot of the things that we liked didn't last, but maybe things we don't like, they're also not going to last. There has been progress in my lifetime. There are certainly things that are better than when I was young, and there are things that are worse. New York City, it's worse. There's no question.
There are many things worth living for, a few things worth dying for, and nothing worth killing for.
We need to regularly stop and take stock; to sit down and determine within ourselves which things are worth valuing and which things are not; which risks are worth the cost and which are not. Even the most confusing or hurtful aspects of life can be made more tolerable by clear seeing and by choice.
The things worth writing about, and the things worth reading about, are the things that feel almost beyond description at the start and are, because of that, frightening.
Some things need to be a song. Some things need to be a play. Some things need to be a painting. Some things need to be-though I'd never be a choreographer-some things might ought to be a dance [laughs]. I've found that exploring an idea in different ways, it gives you different opportunities.
Follow your passion. Nothing - not wealth, success, accolades or fame - is worth spending a lifetime doing things you don't enjoy.
There are three things you need to be a good writer: you need to read a lot, you need to write a lot, and you need a lot of feedback.
A lot of things seem to be worth almost no money. but if you do them very well, and they help people fill a need, there's a great business you can build around that.
There are a lot of things that come easy, but they're not necessarily worth it. Anything worth having, you work hard for. That's how I feel I am.
I need more raw experience. I've read and watched a lot of things, but I haven't done a lot of things.
...mementos of this world, in which the things worth being were so easily exchanged for the things worth having.
I don't have the feeling that I need to add a lot to my collection, because I have an incredibly wide range of things. This is a part of the secret of my things, that they are still valid. When I feel a need, I do something more.
What I really need is for people to know that I don't just do this, I do this and this and this and this. We all have creativity in us and we all are multi-dimensional and we are all interested in a lot of things and that women are fabulous. We can handle a lot of things.
There's a lot of responsibility involved in sharing a very personal story with a lot of people, and it's easier for others not to know about things - and I know that. But in terms of the general climate, socially, these are things people have to deal with on a daily basis. We hear so many negative stories but rarely do we get positivity. We have memes of cute cats and puppies and things like that, but if they didn't exist, people would be a lot more unhappy. We need more things like that.
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