A Quote by Lizzy Caplan

I try to find some similarities between myself and the characters, even if it's the tiniest thing. — © Lizzy Caplan
I try to find some similarities between myself and the characters, even if it's the tiniest thing.
I don't try to find similarities with my characters because then it becomes difficult to act.
For any actor, when you're playing twin brothers, you have to be able to find the similarities between them as well as creating a difference between the two characters. If they just looked the same, what would the point of that be?
Ethnic music the world 'round is quite fascinating," "There are an enormous number of similarities there, and it's the similarities that are so appealing. ... I haven't even scratched the surface of that kind of thing.
Embryology reveals surprising similarities between early embryos of seemingly quite different animals. And it also shows that some structures that may look very different later on have fundamental similarities in the way they form.
Every day I try to do some small thing connected to writing. Or I'll station myself at a café and try to hold myself captive with chocolate. I find that writers tend to be dismissive of small amounts of work or time, but they can actually add up. I've written several books in 15 minute increments.
I find more of an authenticity in people who are a little strange - so I really like characters who are just the tiniest bit weird. I find enormous comfort in that - someone who's kind of normal just doesn't feel as true.
I think I find a commonality between characters and the different sides of myself.
I see similarities between Jackie Robinson and myself.
I try not to steal from myself, but the modalities create similarities.
I try to pick characters that I find interesting and complex and that I feel I can bring something of myself to.
I try not to push characters too close to myself because they get harder to write, but as a writer, you try to find odd little personal experiences that you hope are universal or think might be universal.
Whenever there is a new song out, we'll sometimes try to rehearse a celebration so when one of us scores a goal, we can celebrate it together. I find this a nice thing between team-mates to show the friendship between us, and I try to do this whenever I can.
There are some similarities, I think, with all the characters I play. I'm not a guy who sees the desire to transform with each part; I'm not a piece of clay.
Ralph Angel, for me, was about getting in touch with the similarities between the characters. I felt like he was a human being that I knew and [somebody] that I've been and am currently still exploring.
There are some similarities, of course (between Iraq and Vietnam). Death is terrible.
I think the whole Flawless thing backfired in my face. I'm just like, 'oh, man! We're out here calling ourselves Flawless, and being the most obnoxious characters, that even I wanted to slap myself sometimes!' Even I would get sick of watching myself on TV!
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