A Quote by Lois McMaster Bujold

Miles clutched Quinn's elbow. "Don't Panic." "I'm not panicking," Quinn observed, "I'm watching you panic. It's more entertaining . — © Lois McMaster Bujold
Miles clutched Quinn's elbow. "Don't Panic." "I'm not panicking," Quinn observed, "I'm watching you panic. It's more entertaining .
Sam was slow getting up. To Quinn he looked like an old man standing up after slipping on the ice. But he looked up at Quinn and performed a sort of salute. I owe you, Quinn." I'm sorry I didn't get him," Quinn answered. Sam shook his head. "Man, don't ever be sorry you don't want to kill someone.
Panic is efficient. Panic is effective. Panic is the way I get things done! Panic attacks are my booster rockets!
She's my baby girl, Quinn. I want love for her. Real love. The kind that makes a man crazy inside. -Gibraltar to Quinn
I make a project and I panic. Which is good, it can be a method. First, panic. Second, conquer panic by working. Third, find ways to solve your doubts.
The only situation which might justify panic is one in which panic is likely to help. Such a situation never arises. Though pretended panic may sometimes cause a useful diversion, real panic can never be anything other than a waste of energy.
In 2009 we increased the cash in Quinn Direct as we had in 2008. We increased the cash in it in 2010. The outstanding claims were €20m in March 2010 but Quinn Direct had more business in the U.K. than in Ireland.
I want to be a better Chris Quinn. I don't want to be a different Chris Quinn.
[I had a sense of interior panic].Always. I didn't really know what to call it for a long time, but I have a friend in Greece who used that word panic a lot, and I found myself resisting it, until I totally accepted that as a precise description of my interior condition. It was mostly panic from one moment to the next. And nothing much else was going on.
I think that I don't panic as much as the folks on the left or the right do. I don't have that sense of panic.
When I was immobilized by fear, I might have a panic attack. I've had a couple of panic attacks in my life.
There's no panic like the panic you momentarily feel when your hand or head is stuck in something.
As recently as 1979, neither panic attacks nor panic disorder officially existed.
If you're tearing around in a panic about something, then it puts everyone else in a panic as well.
I spoke to friends that have panic attacks, and I spoke to a doctor who has panic attacks, himself. I also did a bit of research into them. It seemed like everyone's version of a panic attack had slightly different physical things. So, I decided to choose my own physical things.
It is one of my biggest regrets that Niall Quinn was not here during my time... I felt he was an intelligent player. It would have been a good combination with Thierry Henry. What I like with Quinn is if you look at the player who played next to him, he always scored 40 goals because he had a hand for his head and he just put the ball where you were. He was a team player. A top-class player makes other players look good and he had that player.
How can you have a reasonable debate with people who are constantly changing the panic? They are moving the panic to a greater wave of hysteria?
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