A Quote by Lorin Maazel

To be passionate in today's world is not politically correct... Nowadays we are supposed to cope. This was not Mahler's problem. He saw it, he heard it, and he expressed it. He was a kaleidoscopic, Olympian figure.
Nowadays, 'invisibility' was supposed to be the big problem, but the way I saw it was, all that mattered was to be visible to yourself.
Be politically correct, but please don't bother other people with conversation about being politically correct, because that's the end of everything. You want to create boredom? Be politically correct in your conversation.
Everything is politically correct nowadays.
Shakespeare would never have gone far in today's politically correct world.
When it comes to radical youth culture nothing sells better than neatly packaged and politically correct rage against the world where everything is politically correct and neatly packaged for sale.
Donald Trump's not politically correct. Although you are running for president, you should be politically correct. But there is also the expression of an artist.
Politically, nowadays, as we know and feel, we are similarly underrepresented and not heard.
To me, racist jokes are not funny. I am politically correct, in a weird way. I like to push the boundaries that are politically correct.
The problem is when you try to impose today's standards on people living back then. It's the politically correct thing to do, but it was a different era, a different country then.
I don't think we're politically correct when we're private. I don't know what 'politically correct' means.
Now, I know among the politically correct, you're not supposed to use facts that are uncomfortable.
I'm a hate figure for a certain kind of half-educated politically correct person.
The academic world is one of the few places where prejudice is supposed to be totally banned, and we're politically correct on everything, but it's still a place where you can attack religion out of utter, complete, bottomless ignorance and not be considered to have done anything wrong.
I have always adored Mahler, and Mahler was a major influence on the music of the Beatles. John and me used to sit and do the Kindertotenlieder and Wunderhorn for hours, we'd take turns singing and playing the piano. We thought Mahler was gear.
By being politically correct, you're closing your mind to a different point of view. Which sounds a lot like prejudice. Which is definitely not politically correct. See what I just did there?
I think the big problem in America has is being politically correct.
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