A Quote by Lucy Maud Montgomery

My pen shall heal, not hurt. — © Lucy Maud Montgomery
My pen shall heal, not hurt.
No hoary falsehood shall be a truth to me; no stifling dogma shall encramp my pen!
A wound needs air in order to heal. We must talk about and expose those things which have hurt or harmed us in some way. Our wounds need nurturing care in order to heal. If we are to nurture and heal, we must admit that the wounds exist. We must carefully do what is necessary to help ourselves feel better.
The only way to heal the pain which will not heal itself is to forgive the person who hurt you. Forgiveness heals the memory's vision. ... You set a prisoner free, but you discover the real prisoner was yourself.
It all begins with forgiveness, because to heal the world, we first have to heal ourselves. And to heal the kids, we first have to heal the child within, each and every one of us.
I can't change the past and I'm truly sorry that people got hurt along the way but not everything reported in the media is reality and continuing to rehash things publicly only makes it more difficult for everyone to heal. I hope for the sake of our children we can all move forward and heal privately. I wish their mother nothing but the best.
He who shall hurt the little wren Shall never be beloved by men.
Her essay about the wedding ring was short. Kerr wrote: "Things are just things - they have no power to hurt or to heal. Only people can do that. And we can all choose whether to be hurt or healed by the people who love us." That was all. And that was everything.
There's no hurt so great that love can't heal it.
Wonderful songwriting, beautiful production, and deeply rooted in what makes American Roots Music great: Deep Southern Pain. It's the hurt that brings the songs, and it's the songs that heal the hurt. Jonathan's songs bring us there, and back. Check this record out, it's a good 'un.
I am a man-pen. I feel through the pen, because of the pen.
Sometimes to heal, you must first get hurt.
The solid truth of the matter is, when you find - if you want to help heal the hurt, if you want to hurt people and - help people in pain, the best way to do so is to call upon the great strength of the country, which is the compassion of our fellow Americans.
My forgiving you doesn't make my heart hurt less. It takes awhile to heal.
If someone writes a great story, people praise the author, not the pen. People don't say, 'Oh what an incredible pen...where can I get a pen like this so I can write great stories?' Well, I am just a pen in the hands of the Lord. He is the author. All praise should go to him.
Let man heal the hurt places and revere whatever is still miraculously pristine.
We need to heal the environment - that's a big thing - because we messed it up and we have a responsibility to heal and clean up what we have messed up before we think about leaving here. We can't really heal the outer environment on those levels until we heal our families.
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