A Quote by Ludwig Goransson

These days, you're always surrounded by music and sounds, whether you're in the mall or a subway car. — © Ludwig Goransson
These days, you're always surrounded by music and sounds, whether you're in the mall or a subway car.
As a frequent rider of the subway myself, I cannot count the number of times I have had to personally intercede in a physical or verbal altercation, whether on the platform or in a subway car.
I love getting on the subway because you get on the car, and you see the entire human race represented in any given subway car.
I was with my mother at a mall when our car was suddenly surrounded by people. Initially, she loved seeing her son getting mobbed. Then the crowds started swelling, and they began to push and shove and tilt the car. My mom's joy turned into anxiety.
One always has to remember these days where the garbage pail is, because it's so easy to make sounds, and to put sounds together into something that appears to be music, but it's just as hard as it always was to make good music.
The mall is good for hearing new music because you hear music everywhere. I like to walk around the mall and hear what the kids are listening to, or what's the feel of Middle America, cause that's what the mall is.
I grew up in a kibbutz in the Galilee, but we were surrounded by Arabic villages, so I heard all these sounds and all this music. My father was very close friends with one of the Bedouin tribes, so I would always go there, to weddings, and I was always very fascinated by that music.
Of course, in Los Angeles, everything is based on driving, even the killings. In New York, most people don't have cars, so if you want to kill a person, you have to take the subway to their house. And sometimes on the way, the train is delayed and you get impatient, so you have to kill someone on the subway. That's why there are so many subway murders; no one has a car.
England is so surrounded by the boredom of conventionalities, that it is all one to them whether music is good or bad, since they have to hear it from morning till night. For here they have flower-shows with music, dinners with music, sales with music.
I hate the technological rip-offs that pass for music formats these days, and go back to vinyl to hear a good record because the sound is always so much fuller. I don't even like listening to music in the car.
The most important thing is that you honor that musical integrity, whether you make music that sounds like ABBA or you make music that sounds like Void.
Imagine driving a car that isn't working well. When you step on the gas the car sometimes lurches forward and sometimes doesn't respond. When you blow the horn it sounds blaring. The brakes sometimes slow the car, but not always. The blinkers work occasionally, the steering is erratic, and the speedometer is inaccurate. You are engaged in a constant struggle to keep the car on the road, and it is difficult to concentrate on anything else.
Well, in terms of the filming with the car, you always wanted to be on the side which the cameras weren't, because - and it sounds ridiculous, but getting in and out of that car, all in leather, in the heat, was a problem.
Subway Symphony is a little idea I had to change the sound of the subway turnstiles into different pieces of music, depending on what station you're entering.
What I really miss these days in music - is the music. I prefer to listen to melodies and songs, not just sounds.
Ideally, the music composed these days should sound much better because of the technology, right? But that's not the fact. The sounds that you hear out of technological recording are programmed sounds coming out of a computer.
People always ask me what I'm doing on the subway, but I love it! Sometimes I like to ride in the front car and look out the window at the rats.
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