A Quote by Luka Modric

Cristiano Ronaldo respects the fans - it's like a marriage. There are good days and bad days, but the important thing is that they love each other. — © Luka Modric
Cristiano Ronaldo respects the fans - it's like a marriage. There are good days and bad days, but the important thing is that they love each other.
I like policy. It's why I decided to enter government. The other thing I like about government - you have good days, you have bad days, but you never have a boring day, and that's important to me.
A lot of fighters don't like to critique other fighters because this is a fighting sport. But just like when you have good days and bad days, we are OK to talk about it. It's not so bad for me and my twin brother to critique each other because we have been criticized by everyone else too.
A strong marriage requires two people who choose to love each other even on those days when they struggle to like each other.
You choose to be happy, and in life we have as many good days as bad days. I try to find and record those songs that pull you through the bad days, and keep you believing that the good days are just around the corner.
Remember we're all human and we all have our good days and bad days and days when we feel banging and other days when we feel absolutely rotten and that's ok.
My fans are so loving and encouraging. They're with me on good days and bad days.
For me, I think one of the biggest battles is mentally. You have good days, and you have bad days. Randomly, you'll feel good for weeks, and then all of a sudden, you'll have a bad day where you're really sore. And you end up questioning yourself, like, 'Am I doing the right thing? Why is this so hard?'
I think it is a good thing to have woman friends at every stage of life. We confide in each other, we support each other, we understand each other most of the time. Of course, sometimes we are competitive or angry or distant, too. But I do think it is important not to let the main friendships slip away in the sweep of the days.
First thing I said to him was, 'LeBron, you know this is true. We had five good years and one bad night'. Like a marriage that's good, and then one bad thing happens, and you never talk to each other again.
Not everyone is Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo. Even Cristiano Ronaldo's first years at Manchester United were quite difficult.
I go to my studio every day. Some days work comes easily. Other days nothing happens. Yet on the good days the inspiration is only an accumulation of all the other days, the nonproductive ones.
Some days felt longer than other days. Some days felt like two whole days. Unfortunately those days were never weekend days. Our Saturdays and Sundays passed in half the time of a normal workday. In other words, some weeks it felt like we worked ten straight days and had only one day off.
You may have good days, there may be more bad days than good days, but on the good days you have to push yourself, get the most out of it as you can.
Everyone is wounded. No one is healthy enough to never screw up, when you're in combat. But, I like to show that, and I like to show how people get back from that. You have to forgive each other. When you're in the middle of a long-term commitment, the essence of it is that everyone is going to have good days and bad days, and it's about how you continue to rejoin forces.
We are all human and have our good days, and bad days, so it's important to give one another space when dealing with your own issues.
You have good days, you have bad days. But the main thing is to grow mentally.
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