A Quote by Lupita Nyong'o

On a very practical level, I've learned the importance of circulation socks for planes. I had this awful experience of getting off a flight to go to an event and my feet had swelled. Try getting into heels then! So you put on the socks for the flight, then you can wear whatever heels you want.
I think just wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. Your feet could get sweaty without socks, if that's what you mean. I personally like to keep socks on even through the summer because it looks cute.
I can't wear flat shoes. My feet repel them. I was in agony. My high heels had left my feet bleeding. Laugh all you want, my feet hurt
Heels are really hard to wear. I feel bad for every girl that has to wear heels or chooses to wear heels. They're not fun.
I always knew where I needed to go but I sometimes had a problem getting there, so I had to work harder at it. Once in a while I'd wanna take off the blouse and heels because I'd get that "I just wanna be a guy" feeling I had when growing up.
Humans will always babble. If someone wants to tweet that they can't decide whether to wear blue socks or brown socks, then fair enough. But when sharing becomes automated, I get the heebie-jeebies.
I used to wear heels because I wanted to show people I wasn't ashamed of being tall. But I don't wear them any more because you don't have to wear heels to be beautiful. I can't even remember the last time I wore heels.
I wear football socks and I actually tape my shoelaces to my socks. I don't like anything to be putting me off. I don't have an excuse of the shoelaces coming off.
I don't have any rules about what to wear when I go out. I go through phases. Sometimes I'll go out in jeans and a top and not even wear heels. Sometimes I want to be more sexy, in a dress and heels.
The highest heels I do are six-inch heels - but mostly only dancers can wear them, since they are used to being on point in ballet shoes. Their feet are arched.
You see so many of these empowering songs where a woman saying, you know, I'm going to go out, I'm going to wear high heels, you know, short skirt or whatever. But the high heels are quite uncomfortable, and so how good about yourself are you really feeling walking out in high heels?
As a child I trained myself to dance in very high heels. At 13, in Destiny's Child, we were told to wear heels, but at first we couldn't walk in them. We couldn't keep our knees straight, but we learned.
All I want are high heels, high heels. If I was a girl, I'd wear a lot of high heels. High, stiletto heels.
High heels weren't always a girl thing. In the fifteen-hundreds, the riding shoes of French noblemen were fitted with raised heels so that their feet stayed put in the stirrups. Over the next few decades, heels inched higher on dress shoes, particularly among men of privilege.
Like at home, I don't wear heels. But everywhere else I go, I wear heels.
To start with you had to keep from getting arrested by the police. Then, you had to keep from getting cheated in the games. You also had to worry about collecting the money if you won. Then finally, after all that was said and done - you had to keep from getting hijacked.
I don't really believe there is such a thing as bad fashion - it is all self-expression, which used to get me into trouble when I was a little girl because I think I started wearing heels when I was about ten, and I always refused to wear matching socks.
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