A Quote by Ma Jun

Environmental agencies in China are hamstrung by local officials who put economic growth ahead of environmental protection; even the courts are beholden to local officials, and they are not open to environmental litigation.
Environmental protection and economic development are not in conflict. Environmental protection is not a burden but a source for innovation. It can increase competition, create jobs, and lifts the economy.
By adopting the control strategy, the nation's environmental program has created a built-in antagonism between environmental quality and economic growth.
As the world's "most dynamic" cities seek to manage their own urban growth, American state and local officials have much to offer. Our mayors can share their experiences in urban design, clean energy projects, Smart Grids, codes for energy efficient buildings, transportation safety, and innovative environmental solutions.
If environmental protection efforts continue to lag behind economic growth, pollution will become even more rampant.
Although environmental groups sometimes raise issues in the confirmation process, environmental protection is not central to the fear-mongering of the liberal interest groups that oppose conservative judges. But the threat to basic environmental protections from conservative jurisprudence is broad-based and severe.
Environmental justice [means that] no community should be saddled with more environmental burdens and less environmental benefits than any other.
Environmental justice is the movement to ensure that no community suffers disproportionate environmental burdens or goes without enjoying fair environmental benefits.
It would be a mistake to believe that environmental protection and economic growth are mutually exclusive.
Economic growth and environmental preservation are two sides of the same coin. There's no better illustration of that point than the California Clean Tech Open, which challenges California entrepreneurs to bring new, clean technologies to market. I encourage business leaders, policy makers, and environmental advocates to support this innovative, exciting competition.
Environmental justice, for those of you who may not be familiar with the term, goes something like this: no community should be saddled with more environmental burdens and less environmental benefits than any other.
Economic growth and environmental protection are not at odds. They're opposite sides of the same coin if you're looking at longer-term prosperity.
The portfolio standard was enacted when I was secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection. It created investment, generated jobs, and gave a boost to local economies, all when helping to protect the environment.
We learned that economic growth and environmental protection can and should go hand in hand.
For anyone inclined to caricature environmental history as 'environmental determinism,' the contrasting histories of the Dominican Republic and Haiti provide a useful antidote. Yes, environmental problems do constrain human societies, but the societies' responses also make a difference.
Sustainable South Bronx advocates for environmental justice through sustainable environmental and economic development projects.
Whether it was expanding healthcare, stimulating the local economy and job growth, innovating in the schools, or protecting our precious environmental resources, Deval focused every day on moving Massachusetts forward.
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