A Quote by Mabel Collins

For within you is the light of the world — the only light that can be shed upon the Path. — © Mabel Collins
For within you is the light of the world — the only light that can be shed upon the Path.
The moon looks wonderful in this warm evening light, just as a candle flame looks beautiful in the light of morning. Light within light...It seems to me to be a metaphor for the human soul, the singular light within that great general light of existence.
Find the light and it will show you the path. The path that is shown by your own light is the only path that is right.
Be a bringer of the Light. For your light can do more than illuminate your own path, you can be the light which truly lights the world.
Greek architecture taught me that the column is where the light is not, and the space between is where the light is. It is a matter of no-light, light, no-light, light. A column and a column brings light between them. To make a column which grows out of the wall and which makes its own rhythm of no-light, light, no-light, light: that is the marvel of the artist.
The only philosophy that can be practiced responsibly in the face of despair is the attempt to contemplate all things as they would present themselves from the standpoint of redemption. Knowledge has no light but that shed on the world by redemption: all else is reconstruction, mere technique. Perspectives must be fashioned that displace and estrange the world, that reveal its fissures and crevices, as indigent and distorted as it will one day appear in the Messianic light.
Humanity looks to works of art to shed light upon its path and its destiny.
We are born of light. The seasons are felt through light. We only know the world as it is evoked by light.
No one escapes that moment of innocence when the world attacks him and installs within him the spirit of opposites... As long as everything within you is saying yes and no, dark and light, with big earth-shaking ideas, you come nowhere near art, I think. Light and dark don't exist for us as artists. Light is something given to you and you're allowing it to pass through.
I write little quotes all the time to help encourage people to come together, like this one: "If fate happens to toss you a lightbulb, use it to light the path of others, for they will use theirs to light the path of you. With your light together with mine, it's two times as bright and twice as strong.
I write little quotes all the time to help encourage people to come together, like this one: 'If fate happens to toss you a lightbulb, use it to light the path of others, for they will use theirs to light the path of you. With your light together with mine, it's two times as bright and twice as strong.'
Within the universe there is a pure light. It is a light that is beyond all darkness. It does not give way to anything. It is the light of existence, the dharmakaya.
Photography is not only drawing with light, though light is the indispensable agent of its being. It is modeling or sculpturing with light, to reproduce the plastic form of natural objects. It is painting with light.
The brightest light, the light of Italy, the purest sky of Scandinavia in the month of June is only a half-light when one compares it to the light of childhood. Even the nights were blue.
The light has gone out of our lives... Yet I am wrong, for the light that shone in this country was no ordinary light... and a thousand years later that light will still be seen in this country and the world will see it... For that light represented the living truth.
If a man is to shed the light of the sun upon other men, he must first of all have it within himself.
Light seeking light doth light of light beguile: So, ere you find where light in darkness lies, Your light grows dark by losing of your eyes.
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