A Quote by Madalsa Sharma

I am blessed that I can call Mithun Dad my father. We don't share a father-in-law, daughter-in-law relationship, ours is just like any father-daughter's bond. — © Madalsa Sharma
I am blessed that I can call Mithun Dad my father. We don't share a father-in-law, daughter-in-law relationship, ours is just like any father-daughter's bond.
The bond that I shared with my father, the same I have with Mithun Dad. It is not a formal relationship but a beautiful one I would say.
The bond that a father and daughter share can't be expressed in words.
When the purpose of the appointment to ,cohabit with the widow bas been attained in accordance with the law, those two shall behave towards each other like a father and a daughter in law.
The tie is stronger than that between father and son and father and daughter. The bond is also more complex than the one between mother and daughter. For a woman, a son offers the best chance to know the mysterious male existence.
I am blessed to be a proud father of a daughter.
Father-daughter relationship, is something that I think is so unique and it can't really be explained unless you have a daughter.
When I spoke with psychoanalysts, they confirmed to me that the most neurotic relationship is always between mother and daughter. The cliché is to think it's because of the father, the absence of the father.
I didn't have a father to deal with about boyfriends. I didn't have a father to show me how a man and woman relate in a family setting. Therefore, I have given over my life to mentoring young people. I'm adamant about young people who have been denied a father/daughter relationship.
I had a great bond with my father. Even when I was a kid, my bond with my dad made me want to be a father myself one day.
If you always meditate on sin, "I am a sinner, I am a sinner," actually you will become a sinner. The psychological approach is, you should forget it - even if you are a sinner, you should think, "I am the son of a Great Father, I am the daughter of a Great Father." Thus you are meditating on the Great Father, and a day is sure to come when you will become one with your Great Father.
I always felt like there wasn't a blueprint for father-daughter relationships - for them or for us. Because what are they supposed to do with us, treat us like boys, or small women, or what? Father-daughter relationships are so unique from family to family, and I'd love to watch it explored more onstage.
a daughter's love for a kind father ... is mixed with the careless happiness of childhood, which can never come again. Into the father's grave the daughter, sometimes a gray-haired woman, lays away forever the little pet names and memories which to all the rest of the world are but foolishness.
'Master Harold' is about me as a little boy, and my father, who was an alcoholic. There's a thread running down the Fugard line of alcoholism. Thankfully I haven't passed it on to my child, a wonderful daughter who's stone-cold sober. But I had the tendency from my father, just as he had had it from his father.
It's about a father and daughter and the daughter's friend and her relationship with her current husband.
I took my daughter to the father-daughter dance, and I cried like a little baby.
In traditional Hindu families like ours, men provided and women were provided for. My father was a patriarch and I a pliant daughter. The neighborhood I'd grown up in was homogeneously Hindu, Bengali-speaking, and middle-class. I didn't expect myself to ever disobey or disappoint my father by setting my own goals and taking charge of my future.
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