A Quote by Madison Beer

With everything I do, I'm 100 percent involved. I don't really let anyone just take over and hear what's going to go on. I like to have full creative control, pretty much, and really be involved with everything.
Getting into my teen years, I was filled with so much shame and pain that I got really involved with drugs and alcohol. I was hanging out with the wrong people and getting involved in the wrong relationships and everything just sort of spun out of control.
I guess people wouldn't say nasty things to my face. When you're kind of isolated, you don't really hear the gossip, or you're not really involved in it. You're here, and it's all going on over there.
I do want to have that feeling that people are actively involved in something, rather than just consuming something. I suppose that's what it comes down to, because it's such a dominant capitalist society, everything becomes a consumer product. And I don't think that's really appropriate to the creative arts, really.
[Obamacare] premiums are going up 60 percent, 70 percent, 80 percent. Next year they're going to go up over 100 percent. And I'm really glad that the premiums have started - at least the people see what's happening.
That's a good thing for me. I own everything, I have 100% creative control, I own all my masters, everything. I'm blessed to be in that situation. If we sell some records, I think we'll just add to the historic pace that this has been going at.
Everything from the logo to the products and different looks that you see, has been put together with so much detail. There is no way I wouldn't be completely involved. It's very important for me that I give my whole to everything that I am involved in. Otherwise, what is the point?
Over the years, it's funny: my guys will tell you and anyone that I have a problem not giving 100 percent. Because there are some nights where I probably shouldn't actually say everything or do everything I think I should do.
Sorry, investing was pretty boring and I really missed being part of building something. I felt like I was always standing on the sidelines, so Zappos... really liked the people there and got involved full-time and I've been full-time ever since.
Anyone who knows me knows I can be a control freak with things I love doing. I love doing fashion and I love writing, so everything I've done I'm really involved with, so it's not really work to me because I'm enjoying it.
There's a pretty epic battle "Part 2" of Twilight. It's really involved and it took us a few weeks to film it, because there was so many of us and it was such a large, massive war. I think they're really gonna love that. I feel like we've been working up to this the whole series and there was a bit of confrontation, but you never really got to see all the vampires go full force.
Long ago, when I was a very young girl, I said that I wanted to go everywhere, see everything, taste everything. hear everything, touch everything, try everything before I died. There isn't anything you can name that a woman can do that I haven't done. I don't intend to stand by and be a spectator. I want to be right in there in the midst of it, right up to my nose - totally involved in the community, in the world, in the stream of history, in the human image.
It really was my brother who got me involved in swimming. I wanted to be just like him and do everything he was doing.
For me personally, I think I just enjoy movies about werewolves or vampires because it's not like an everyday thing. It's something you can really escape into. Underworld I'm a huge fan of because it's a great love story, but at the same time when it comes to vampires and werewolves it's just such a fantasy. It has everything involved in it. Action, it's sexy, it's interesting, there's just so many things involved in it that make it so cool.
I am involved in every step of the process [musicmaking]. Whether it is the production or the mixing or the visuals and music videos. I'm involved in every step of the way as far as the creative, directing and merchandise . Just making sure everything that falls in line with my brand is portrayed a certain type of way. It all about quality control and attention to detail, and making sure anything you put your name on is on point.
After Stand By Me came out, people were telling me, 'You're so good,' 'You're going to be a star,' and things like that. You can't think about it. If you take it the wrong way, you can really get high on yourself. People get so lost when that happens to them. They may think they have everything under control, but everything is really out of control. Their lives are totally in pieces.
I really like writing music. That's kind of like my little hobby. I like that because sometimes you don't really have any control when you're an actor, over what you're doing next, and everything is kind of decided by other people. You're always waiting to hear from people.
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