A Quote by Madison Cawthorn

I am proud to join the Freedom from Big Tech Caucus, which is aimed at squarely taking the fight to Big Tech on their long history of abuses. — © Madison Cawthorn
I am proud to join the Freedom from Big Tech Caucus, which is aimed at squarely taking the fight to Big Tech on their long history of abuses.
I love Silicon Valley, but there is a dominant voice of, 'Tech is cool. Tech is geeky. Tech is a guy with a hoodie.'
It would be in pretty poor form for me to not be a big supporter of tech and computers because that is how I do my work and how I got involved. The advancement and the affordability of tech gear has made a level playing field where you can now have access to ideas reasonably and then it just comes down to extracting those ideas, which is great.
My daughter was 10 years old when she told me she hated computers. As someone who has spent her career helping build one of the largest tech companies in the world, I was in shock. Suddenly an issue I faced repeatedly at work - the lack of women in tech - hit squarely at home.
A lot of young people just starting out unskilled, as all Americans do when they're born here, come to this country, and so the business community is for immigration. Big businesses, small businesses, high-tech, low-tech, the communities of faith, and the Republican leadership.
Tech is important, but if you look at even the successful tech start-ups, you see they employ only dozens of people at most. Tech is never going to have the impact on the job market that manufacturing has.
For too long, Big-Tech has abused its powers and targeted the constitutional rights of American citizens.
I listen to tech podcasts and read tech news everyday. So I am not unfamiliar with Amazon's practices. I'm not surprised that they bought Comixology.
Wearable tech is really exploding, and I feel like five years down the road tech is going to be totally in our clothing. It's the next frontier for tech to conquer in our lives.
When you start over and jump into new tech, you don't know what the negatives are going to be until you go through a few cycles. We're always changing our tech, but we don't wholly destroy it with each game. We're taking parts out.
We have a huge tech following that do nothing but Digg tech stories, and then there's another pool of users that remove the tech section from their view of Digg, because you can go on and customize your own experience and remove sections you don't like.
To be honest, the thing is I don't really like clothes. I mean, it is cool, but I like tech. I am a tech girl. A secret nerd - there, I said it.
While it's true that women are the minority in most tech companies, I don't think that inhibits entry into the tech space. My motto has always been, 'Live What You Love,' and as such, I think it's incredibly important to do work you believe in and to work for a company that has values that align with your own, be it in tech or another industry.
As the novelty of wearable tech gives way to necessity - and, later, as wearable tech becomes embedded tech - will we be deprived of the chance to pause, reflect, and engage in meaningful, substantive conversations? How will our inner lives and ties to those around us change?
I want to bring a Big 12 championship to Tech.
We're excited about how tech can be used to get tech out of the way.
Right now is a great time to be a woman in tech, but there's not enough women in tech.
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