A Quote by Madison Smartt Bell

I dont call myself a very good Christian, but I think I know one when I see one, and I also think I know when I dont. — © Madison Smartt Bell
I dont call myself a very good Christian, but I think I know one when I see one, and I also think I know when I dont.
I don't call myself a very good Christian, but I think I know one when I see one, and I also think I know when I don't.
I think the perception of me can be, you know, confused. But thats only because people only see that side of me when Im at work, in front of the camera. So they dont see Miranda at home; they dont see behind the scenes. They see the glamour of it all but they dont see Miranda standing barefoot in a dirty old house.
Ive never understood having crushes on people who you dont know in real life. I only crush on people I meet. I mean, I can appreciate that someone is good-looking, obviously, but I dont intend to fantasize about people I dont know!
I dont know how the other senators see me. I hope they see me as a farmer. Thats really what I am. But I dont think they see me on a tractor or fixing equipment. I hope they see me grounded, as somebody who has common sense.
With everything happening today, You dont know whether you're coming or going, But you think that you're on your way, Life lined up on the mirror dont blow it.
I dont know if there is anyone who wouldnt want to play some kind of superhero. I dont know if the world is getting sick of superhero movies or not, but I think you will endlessly have actors who are intrigued by the idea of playing a superhero.
Anyone who tells you that they know, they just know what happens when you die, I promise you, you dont. How can I be so sure? Because I dont know and you do not possess mental powers that I do not.
I dont like it when people dont hold the door. I dont know, that really bugs me... I guess I like manners.
I dont feel like I would be a good mentor. I dont know what I have to offer in that respect. I do this for pretty selfish reasons.
I am a Christian, but I also dont really see myself as a religious person. I see myself as more of a spiritual person.
I dont hate it he thought, panting in the cold air, the iron New England dark; I dont. I dont! I dont hate it! I dont hate it!
When youre young, you dont think very far ahead. You just think in terms of the next day, the next week, the next competition. You dont think about injuries that could threaten your long-term health.
My main piece of advice would be dont worry about being published - just write a really good book, but also dont be afraid to write a bad book. Give yourself permission to fail, and dont be afraid.
I know people that have blacked out that I party with that dont do anything irresponsible. They just act drunk, ... I dont think people should ever drink by themselves because they need to have friends around that can keep them in line in case they do blackout.
The one affectation I have forced on the publisher... are my apostrophe-free ellisions. Because I write my scripts to read myself, I dont spell 'don't' with an apostrophe. I spell it 'dont'. We all know the word and it seems foolish to put in an extraneous apostrophe. Punctuation marks are devices we use to make the meaning of sentences clear. There is nothing confusing about a word like 'dont' printed without an apostrophe to indicate an omitted letter.
I dont really ever compare myself to other people, I dont even measure myself in terms of anyone but myself.
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