A Quote by Maggie Hassan

As Senator, I will always put the health and safety of New Hampshire's families first. — © Maggie Hassan
As Senator, I will always put the health and safety of New Hampshire's families first.
The Granite State needs a senator who knows that New Hampshire comes first - and leads like it.
Hillary Clinton has that, a passion to empower families and kids, and a desire to measure health of society by how families and kids are doing. You can see this from her service as a lawyer, first lady of Arkansas, and United States senator, and secretary of state.
New Hampshire is proudly on the forefront of national safety infrastructure.
As Governor of New Hampshire, my top priority is the safety of our citizens.
Whether it's making sure that a person has access to a doctor when they need one, investing in excellent first class educations for our children or making sure that working people are able to provide for their families and put food on the table when they put in an honest day's work, I will continue to put people and families first.
New Hampshire is deeply appreciative of our state's firefighters who put their safety at risk and are often exposed to chemicals and substances that increase their risk of cancer in order to keep their neighbors and our communities safe.
I think he intends to run for president... I think Senator McCain cares about the opinions of New Hampshire voters.
You don't want someone to think you're from New Hampshire, because who cares about New Hampshire? You're basically just a pass-through.
If I were just to read briefing books or I were just to engage in the political back and forth, would I have heard what a big problem mental health is in New Hampshire? Would I have heard people say they're really worried about the impact on young people because New Hampshire has the highest tuition and debt problems in the country? i'm not sure I would have.
The state of New Hampshire is committed to delivering results for New Hampshire's veterans.
The big winner last night in New Hampshire - Senator John Kerry. He won 39 percent of the vote, which is pretty good, and begs the question, why the long face?
As a part of the ISO-NE grid, New Hampshire energy policy is connected to the decisions of our regional neighbors. It is critical that New Hampshire's ratepayers do not bear the burden of the costly policy decisions of Southern New England.
In the first speech I delivered as health secretary, I made one thing perfectly clear: we need a cultural shift in the NHS: from a culture responsive mainly to orders from the top down to one responsive to patients, in which patient safety is put first.
I will always fight to ensure Kansas families have access to the full range of health care services they need, including reproductive health care.
Republican Scott Brown lost his bid for Senate in New Hampshire last night, two years after he was voted out as Senator in Massachusetts. When asked what he was planning to do next, he said, 'Are they still looking for a mayor in Toronto?'
Health is not simply the absence of illness. Real health is the will to overcome every form of adversity and use even the worst of circumstances as a springboard for new growth and development. Simply put, the essence of health is the constant renewal and rejuvenation of life.
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