A Quote by Mahatma Gandhi

Every woman will tell the curious that with the disappearance of the spinning wheel vanished India's happiness and prosperity. — © Mahatma Gandhi
Every woman will tell the curious that with the disappearance of the spinning wheel vanished India's happiness and prosperity.
The spinning wheel and the spinning wheel alone will solve, if anything will solve, the problem of the deepening poverty of India.
The wheel [migration] has been spinning and spinning and spinning. Wouldn't it be nice to imagine a world where that circle stops spinning in that crazy way? Because that's a huge wheel that's crushing people's lives, real people's lives, families.
Hunger is the argument that is driving India to the spinning wheel.
India as a nation can live and die only for the spinning wheel.
When the wheel was accepted as part of the national flag, it was surely implied that the spinning wheel would hum in every household.
There is no better way of industrializing the villages of India than the spinning wheel.
Modern invention has banished the spinning wheel, and the same law of progress makes the woman of today a different woman from her grandmother.
We must distinguish between felicity and prosperity; for prosperity leads often to ambition, and ambition to disappointment; the course is then over, the wheel turns round but once, while the reaction of goodness and happiness is perpetual.
The spinning wheel is not meant to oust a single man or woman from his or her occupation.
The socialism that India can assimilate is the socialism of the spinning wheel.
The greatest thing about form and convention is that it saves you from having to reinvent the wheel. Now, whether you mount the wheel to a horse carriage or a Formula One racing car, make it plain or give it spinning rims, those are all craft decisions. But the fact of the wheel remains: it will turn if you set it down. That's what I mean about the beauty of the gifts genre can offer.
The spinning wheel became the symbol of Indian independence. So we always say, "if the spinning wheel was the symbol of our first independence, then the seed is the symbol of our second independence."
The music of the spinning wheel will be as balm to your soul.
Restore the spinning wheel to its place and you will solve the problem of poverty.
I claim that in losing the spinning wheel we lost our left lung. We are, therefore, suffering from galloping consumption. The restoration of the wheel arrests the progress of the fell disease.
To every reversal of people's soveregnity, to every disappearance of the Republic corresponds a frank or disguised restitution in force of the regal justice. "Tell me, according to what you judge and I'll tell you who you are." No axiom in politics is more certain than this.
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