A Quote by Mahatma Gandhi

Never has man reached his destination by persistence in deviation from the straight path. — © Mahatma Gandhi
Never has man reached his destination by persistence in deviation from the straight path.
What by a straight path cannot be reached by crooked ways is never won.
As with all journeys, the Way has an end, though it should not be imagined as a straight road leading to a fixed destination but rather as a majestic mountain whose peak conceals the presence of God. There are, of course, many paths to the summit-some better than others. But because every path eventually leads to the same destination, which path one takes is irrelevant.
Even if we do not walk together on the straight path, as long as we have the same destination, that is what's important.
I have never seen a man lost who was on a straight path.
For a man, the soul of a woman is a preserving talisman, guarding him from moral infections; it is a power holding him to the straight path, a guide leading him back from the crooked to the straight. On the other hand, the soul of a woman can be his evil and ruin him forever.
Life is more a matter of choosing than knowing. He could never know the eventual destination of his path, but he could always choose in which direction to take each step.
Perfectionism and optimalism are not distinct ways of being, an either-or choice, but rather they coexist in each person. And while we can move from perfectionism toward optimalism, we never fully leave perfectionism behind and never fully reach optimalism ahead. The optimalism ideal is not a distant shore to be reached but a distant star that guides us and can never be reached. As Carl Rogers pointed out, ‘The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination
... ideals, standards, aspirations,--those are chameleon words, and take color from their speakers,--often false tints. A scholarly man of my acquaintance once told me that he traveled a thousand miles into the desert to get away from the word uplift, and it was the first word he heard after he reached his destination.
He was the most deliberate person in the world, yet always reached his destination at the exact moment. As for Phileas Fogg, it seemed just as if the typhoon were a part of his programme. Around the world in eighty days
Deviation from either truth or duty is a downward path.
We know that the end of any conflict is always messy. It's never a linear path when you've been at war for almost 20 years. It's never a clean, straight linear path to the end.
Never trust a man who combs his hair straight from his left armpit.
Let each man take the path according to his capacity, understanding and temperament. His true guru will meet him along that path.
God created a path to his kingdom that is simple and straight. The obstacles that stand between you and God were created by man.
I'm a straight lady, the best in Hollywood. There is an art to playing the straight role. You must build up your man, but never top him, never steal the laughs.
The Tathagatha... is the originator of the path unarisen before, the producer of the path unproduced before, the declarer of the path undeclared before. He is the knower of the path, the discoverer of the path, the one skilled in the path. And his disciplines now dwell following that path and become possessed of it afterwards.
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