A Quote by Mahatma Gandhi

Whenever you take a step forward, you are bound to disturb something. You disturb the air as you go forward, you disturb the dust, the ground. You trample upon things. When a whole society moves forward, this trampling is on a much bigger scale; and each thing that you disturb, each vested interest which you want to remove, stands as an obstacle.
Whenever you take a step forward, you are bound to disturb something.
When I write, I disturb. When I show a film, I disturb. When I exhibit my painting, I disturb, and I disturb if I don't. I have a knack for disturbing.
I have a "Do Not Disturb" sign on my hotel door. It's time to go to "Don't Disturb". It's been "Do Not" for too long. We should embrace the contraction.
I feel that my job, as an artist, is to disturb the peace. And to disturb it intellectually, linguistically, politically and literally.
There's nothing wrong with provocative art work: I even look forward to the day when I can take pictures which will disturb even me.
Do not disturb the faith of any. . . Our duty is not to disturb the faith of others.
We must be careful not to choose, but to let God's Holy Spirit manage our lives; not to smooth down and explain away, but to stir up the gift and allow God's Spirit to disturb us and disturb us and disturb us until we yield and yield and yield and the possibility in God's mind for us becomes an established fact in our lives, with the rivers in evidence meeting the need of a dying world.
I try to give as much blanket forgiveness as much as possible in my life because that's the only way you can get past things and move forward. But, conversely, I'd like to be forgiven. In many ways, that's the bigger leap, the bigger transformation and the bigger step forward.
Realize that the surface personality has no interest in anything which might disturb its darling delusions.
The first step to living the life you want is leaving the life you don't want. Taking that first step forward is always the hardest. But then each step forward gets easier and easier. And each step forward gets you closer and closer. Until eventually, what had once been invisible, starts to be visible. And what had once felt impossible, starts to feel possible.
If somebody is strong and showing good performances and perfect in the thing you are doing, there are people who want to disturb you.
Attain to the place where no one and no thing can disturb you.
I'm completely recipe-bound. Everything has to be prepped and laid out in separate bowls with a Do Not Disturb sign on the door. I've no flair.
I always forbade everyone to clean my studios, dust them, not only for fear they would disturb my things, but especially because I always counted on the protection of dust. It's my ally. I always let it settle where it likes. It's like a layer of protection.
Whenever one sees a director at work, anyone would hesitate to disturb him or her on the sets.
Each of us contributes our own piece to the whole, each in our own way, each in our own time with the gifts and talents that are ours. You ask about possible vehicles for change: question, stand, speak, act. Engage in unruly behavior. Disturb the status quo. Take direct action. Commit civil disobedience. Make art. Build community. Dance. Sing. Farm. Cook. Create something beautiful and then give it away. Find your own monkey wrench and use it with the force of love. Sharpen your pencil. Vote.
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