A Quote by Malcolm X

America is such a paradoxical society, hypocritically paradoxical, that if you don't have some humor, you'll crack up. — © Malcolm X
America is such a paradoxical society, hypocritically paradoxical, that if you don't have some humor, you'll crack up.
Today, all physicists know from studying Einstein and Bohr that sometimes an idea which looks completely paradoxical at first, if analyzed to completion in all detail and in experimental situations, may, in fact, not be paradoxical.
All rituals are paradoxical and dangerous enterprises, the traditional and improvised, the sacred and the secular. Paradoxical because rituals are conspicuously artificial and theatrical, yet designed to suggest the inevitability and absolute truth of their messages. Dangerous because when we are not convinced by a ritual we may become aware of ourselves as having made them up, thence on the paralyzing realization that we have made up all our truths; our ceremonies, our most precious conceptions and convictions - all are mere inventions.
Science now finds itself in paradoxical strife with society: admired but mistrusted; offering hope for the future but creating ambiguous choice; richly supported yet unable to fulfill all its promise; boasting remarkable advances but criticized for not serving more directly the goals of society.
It is indeed paradoxical that an industry which epitomizes all that is new and up-to-date at the same time harbours some of the oldest and least desirable attributes of work in manufacturing industry.
As you improve health in a society, population growth goes down. You know, I thought it was... before I learned about it, I thought it was paradoxical.
Power is paradoxical.
Reality is contradictory. And it's paradoxical.
Human experience is usually paradoxical.
Truth sounds paradoxical!
Truth is always paradoxical.
The truest sayings are paradoxical.
[I am a] contradictory and paradoxical man.
The truth often sounds paradoxical.
The words of truth are always paradoxical.
Loss is so paradoxical: It is at once enormous and tiny.
He who confronts the paradoxical exposes himself to reality.
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