A Quote by Malin Akerman

Those are my favorite kind of parts to do, just being a goofball and seeing how far you can go with something until you're just way out of line. — © Malin Akerman
Those are my favorite kind of parts to do, just being a goofball and seeing how far you can go with something until you're just way out of line.
We seem to invest so much time and belief that those things are stable in some way - something to build towards, or something to use to better understand where we come from. So often those expectations are just so out of line with how the universe works. I don't see it as a productive way of seeing the world, so, when I deal with that stuff formally - or when I try to allow it to inspire me - I'm open to it twisting itself up.
That is the biggest part I like about the game, the camaraderie. Just seeing how it translates on the field, a lot of those guys helped me out throughout my process and just seeing them and being out there with them is definitely a blessing.
When I was younger I would go to the airport with my friends and drive out 2 A.M., 3 A.M. in the morning and just hang out until sunrise watching planes fly in and fly out. Just sit there and dream about how, one day, that's going to be us in those flights. We're gonna be one of those people with places to go.
I remember once when we were moving, driving across country, and it was raining so hard, the windshield wipers going fast and squeaking, and then: nothing. It stopped. I looked out the window ahead of me and it was clear. I looked out the back and there was the rain, still going. Nobody said anything, but there it was, a near miracle, a rain line, a way of seeing just where something starts, when usually you are just in the middle of it before you notice it. That's how it feels to me now, to not want to be like (that) anymore. I see the line.
Any script, even like The Founder, if it's something that I imagine myself playing this character or that character - any of the characters, basically - how do we flesh these characters out to be good enough to have amazing actors that come in that make it really difficult for them to say no? Even though I'm not right for any of those parts, that's just kind of how we go about it.
I always was into it, just seeing guys growing up on TV in postgame conferences and seeing how they're dressed, glasses they're wearing. That kind of just always was something that caught my eye. Now I got the opportunity to show off what I wear, so I just try to take advantage of it.
I kind of found a niche for myself after 'Firefly'. I found something that I enjoyed doing and that I did well, but as far as how I seek out a part, it's always different. It's always something that lights you on fire when you read it. It might be just one scene, it might be one line that defines the character for you.
I just feel like it's fascinating to me just watching my own family, seeing my cousins have children here, seeing the generations go on, and seeing how people are still very connected to their home, but are actually, of course, Americans too. That sort of a hybrided sense of self is something that I yearn to see more of expressed.
For me, one of my favorite parts of stop motion is not even the animating or the writing, but actually building. I always say that my favorite stage is just fabrication. It's just sitting on a workbench, making a little thing out of clay or whatever. That just totally excites me.
I was always the class clown and got kicked out of class at least once a day for just being a goofball. Not suspended or anything, just sit outside and look at the tree on the bench. I got benched a lot. You keep one foot on the bench and try to get as far away as possible.
For me, it was just a case of seeing what stage I could actually get to. For every kid it's the same, you don't know how far you can go until you get a bit older and things start to become a reality.
When a man touches a woman's body, he is not just touching her body. It goes MUCH DEEPER than that for a woman. He is touching parts of her soul-parts as diverse as how she feels about being a grandmother some day, to what is her favorite ice cream, to how much she loves her pet, and to her opinion of how the current President is governing. The man wants a sexual encounter and love is far from his mind; she desires permanence, commitment, safety, and security.
It starts with you in your own community. Just being kind to one another, being supportive of one another, and being loving and respectful. I can't tell you how far that will get you in life, just being able to do that.
We all have our own takes on things. To being yourself. The abstract, the whole thing that I play with, seems to result in seeing through your lenses, and once you express how you see things to others, you start to see there are similarities between all people. It's kind of like, no matter how far you go, you're still where you started, in a way.
I love actors; I love seeing great performances. I just love that, when I'm seeing a performance, that inside me, I just go, 'Oh my God, how are you doing that? Where is that coming from?' Where you see an actor do something, and I can't even locate it in my own body.
And as far as being a leader, I've always kind of been a bit of a quiet leader for the most part and tend to just lead by work ethic and example and those types of things and just be a good teammate and try to love everyone the same way.
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