A Quote by Mandy Ingber

It's no secret that I've worked with celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Kate Beckinsale and Helen Hunt. These women have more than just incredible physiques - they have an inner strength, grace ,and comfort in their own skin, no matter what life serves up.
If there's ever any point in my life where I could meet Jennifer Aniston, I think that'd be pretty incredible!
I'm a huge fan of Kate Beckinsale. Sigourney Weaver gets me excited. Angelina Jolie... There's just so many women that do 'tough' really well.
Life is more than matter. If it were just matter, there would be no need for comfort. Matter does not feel comfort or discomfort, beauty or ugliness, love or compassion, joy or sorrow. Will a chair ever feel sorry or happy? No, matter does not have these finer values. They belong to the realm of the spirit. But life is also more than spirit. If it were just spirit, there would be no need for water, food, or rest. Human life is a combination of both matter and spirit.
I was just like Jennifer Aniston with Brad Pitt when he fell in love with Angelina Jolie.
There is a neuron in your brain that will respond only to pictures of Jennifer Aniston - provided you have had prior visual exposure to the actress. That neuron does not respond to pictures of Bill Clinton or Halle Berry. Only Jennifer. I used the story to explain the almost ridiculous plasticity of the organ. There is no such thing as Jennifer Aniston in our evolutionary history - she was born in 1969, for heaven's sake - but we are flexible enough to devote an entire cell to her if we have previously encountered her in some fashion.
No matter how I feel, I get up, dress up, and show up for life. When I do, the day always serves up more than I could have hoped for. Each day truly is a slice of heaven. Some days the slices are just smaller than others.
I just recently realized. It's very strange. But doing fight scenes with Kate [Beckinsale], I was little bit more cautious. You can go harder with a guy, which I don't mean as an insult.
We see women who go out and want to look like Jennifer Aniston, and they're wearing an ill-fitting red dress and ugly gold shoes, and they've got flat hair and they can't walk.
Growing up, I was in love with Jennifer Aniston from Friends.
Growing up, I was in love with Jennifer Aniston from 'Friends.'
My sister Mathilde is an actress, but more like a French Jennifer Aniston. She's famous just in France. She's very commercial and does big comedies. So, acting was part of my family, and that's how I was raised.
When you find out you're working with someone like Jennifer Aniston, you're like, 'Whoa, what is my life right now? ' It kind of doesn't really seem real. I grew up watching 'Friends' and all her movies, and I was so excited to work with her. And then, I met her, and I was like, 'Oh. You're, like, a very relatable human being.'
Working with people like Jennifer Aniston and Jason Sudeikis is such a blessing because I've watched them a great deal. I grew up with 'Friends' and always aspired to work with someone from that cast. Jason is just such an amazing comedian.
I love Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox's real-life relationship.
I just got to do a challenging scene with Jennifer Aniston! That's unreal to me.
O momentary grace of mortal men, Which we more hunt for than the grace of God!
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