I'm minimalistic when it comes to makeup, so I'm a sucker for anything that's multi-tasking. Aquaphor is my go-to product. It's great for adding gloss to eyes and cheekbones, and amazing for soothing dry cuticles, too.
You have to have Aquaphor, because you don't want a crusty, dry mouth, and this, in my opinion, is the best. It wears well, it's a great base for any type of lip gloss, lipstick, anything like that.
I like Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream, as its great for soothing dry skin and adding shine. I use it instead of balm, too.
I like Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream, as it's great for soothing dry skin and adding shine. I use it instead of balm, too.
Information and communications technology unlocks the value of time, allowing and enabling multi-tasking, multi-channels, multi-this and multi-that.
If you enjoy depth, don't force yourself to seek breadth. If you prefer single-tasking to multi-tasking, stick to your guns.
I'm not great at multi-tasking, so when I do one thing... I like to do it 100%.
I'm a woman of lip gloss. Estee Lauder has an amazing lip gloss line. But I even go as far as to use some Wet 'n Wild, you know, old school! It's kind of like whatever works. I find that with lip gloss, there really is no difference in quality there.
So stay true to your own nature. If you like to do things in a slow and steady way, don't let others make you feel as if you have to race. If you enjoy depth, don't force yourself to seek breadth. If you prefer single-tasking to multi-tasking, stick to your guns. Being relatively unmoved by rewards gives you the incalculable power to go your own way.
There's a lot of research that indicates the brain rewards us for multi-tasking by giving us a shot of neurochemicals whenever we start a new task. Our brain rewards us even as our performance in every task degrades. We don't even notice that our performance is bad. We don't care. We feel like masters of the universe because our brain is chemically rewarding us for multi-tasking.
I go to Harrod's to get my makeup. I'm a few-dots-of-concealer-lip-gloss-good-to-go kind of girl.
MIA stands for 'missing in action,' which is the way others can experience you when you're too busy multi-tasking, being pulled at by the world and by everything that's going on in your head, and, essentially, when you're too busy being busy.
I'm not good at multi-tasking.
I like multi-tasking.
I'm not even a little bit talented at the red-carpet makeup thing, but recently I did learn how to give myself dramatic-looking eyes and how to contour my cheekbones.