A Quote by Mandy Rose

The good thing I have to say about Sonya and I, even as a tag team we do get some opportunities for singles matches. — © Mandy Rose
The good thing I have to say about Sonya and I, even as a tag team we do get some opportunities for singles matches.
There are days when you have tag matches, but you need to prepare for your next singles match on that same day.
There's so much more you can do with four bodies in the rules of a tag team match than two guys in a singles match. It's just a completely different thing.
The main challenge is being put into a tag team, where you've never done any tag team stuff before, even coming up with new moves and ideas.
I felt like I evolved into a great singles wrestler in ECW because of the opportunities to speak and wrestle longer matches.
I love tag team wrestling, and it's different than all the other matches.
The definition of success to me is not necessarily a price tag, not fame, but having a good life, and being able to say I did the right thing at the end of the day. Of course, the price tag is definitely part of it, but it's not the whole thing in my book.
Everything we do in the 'Woken' universe is so fantastical that wrestling fans, especially younger kids, who only know Matt Hardy from tag team matches or Team Xtreme or whatnot, they need to learn what I am before we can start expanding.
I think tag team wrestling is every bit as exciting, if not more exciting than singles competition.
As far as the NWA tag-team wrestling of the '80s - and I know you're talking some heavy hitters there - the first thing people will always say is The Midnight and Rock 'N' Roll Express. We invented things as we went along that people had never seen. It was always different. And it was always good.
I was able to accomplish a lot as a tag team wrestler in one of the greatest factions of all time - The New Day - but I also want to see how much I can do as a singles competitor.
Tag team wrestling is what put myself, Edge, the Hardys and the Dudleys all on the map. It made us into WWE superstars, and without that, I don't think that my singles career would have gone to the places it went to.
I hate any match that isn't a traditional Tag Team Match or a traditional Singles Match, because anything can happen. It's truly one of those deals where it's all about being in the right place at the right time.
The Midnight Express and the Rock 'n' Roll Express were the greatest tag team rivalry of all time and drew more money than any other tag team rivalry probably in history, and I did manage the WWF champion and WWF Tag Team champion at different points in time but my phone hasn't rung and I haven't lost sleep over it.
You need to have the same ideas to work as a team, to have a good team spirit. And you don't get there in a day or even a month. It takes some time to get there.
An ideal day starts with putting on a good, smart, fun show where I learn something and ends with me fending off atomic knee drops from my two kids in our no-holds-barred pillow fight/steel cage matches. They are a ruthless tag team.
If you were to watch any of the British Bulldogs' matches against the Hart Foundation, it was lightning in a bottle, with incredible tag team competition that was ahead of its time.
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