A Quote by Maneet Chauhan

There is so much more than ingredients that go into home cooking. A home-cooked meal includes so much love and recipes that have been passed down through generations, and that is what I truly appreciate.
Too often, tributes to the home-cooked meal assume every family has a schedule that gets everyone home by 5:30 P.M. And too many recipes treat cooking as a solitary pursuit that requires the cook - still most often Mom - to take time away from other family interactions and chores.
If you keep eating McDonald's, you gonna get sick. You need a real home-cooked meal. And I knew that that would be healthier. And that's what Wu-Tang was: It was a home-cooked meal of hip-hop. Of the real people.
After a day of writing, I love nothing more than to go into my kitchen and start chopping onions and garlic on the way to cooking an improvised meal with whatever ingredients are on hand. Cooking is the perfect counterpoint to writing. I find it more relaxing than anything else, even naps, walks, or hot baths.
If I have a preference, I'd rather have a home-cooked meal than go out to the fanciest place.
Flavor Five is a book with recipes using five ingredients to possibly be cooked in just five minutes. It will be very user-friendly for the home cook on the run.
There's just so much love that goes into home cooking, and I think it will really help the American family overall. I'm hoping to maybe get a cookbook out one day because I've got some great family recipes.
People tend to stay at home and eat a home-cooked meal. There are three days that are really slow for restaurants - Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.
There are three reasons why this book came into being. First, throughout the 33 years I've been writing recipes - although I'm not vegetarian myself - I have greatly enjoyed creating vegetarian recipes, and cooking and serving them at home.
I stay on the road so much that my fiancee and I were talking the other night about what I wanted her to cook. I told her I don't even remember what a home-cooked meal is.
I love cooking. There is nothing I like better than going home and cooking my family a nice meal. Anything with pasta! Pasta with butter! I have a good repertoire, and I can do quite a few different dishes. Sometimes they work out and sometimes not.
I don't know if it's the way I've been brought up or if it's because I spend so much time away that I appreciate being at home so much.
I hope when I'm ninety-five the only things I want are free: love, family, a good home-cooked meal.
For me, I am very much a champion of home cooking and home cooks.
When I cook at home, most of the people I cook for want to be in the kitchen while I'm cooking. I love nothing more than someone monitoring how much salt I put into something, how much pepper I add - but nothing that you can offer is going to sway how I decide to deliver information to you; you'll either receive it or you won't.
I love to talk about cooking and recipes, but I love as much talking about how food and cooking can change the world.
I have so much joy in my life. I love my husband and kids so much. So much love. I'm also more focused now on spending more time at home and in town instead of going on tour. Because of that nesting, I find that I'm even more into writing and creating.
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