A Quote by Manuel Pellegrini

If you want to say I was a disaster of a player, then say it. But give me another disaster of a player who played almost 500 games across 14 years. — © Manuel Pellegrini
If you want to say I was a disaster of a player, then say it. But give me another disaster of a player who played almost 500 games across 14 years.
When I talk about the early years in Oakland, I don't want to take anything away from who that player was, because that player was still a heck of a player, that player was just young. I played off the field the same way that I played on the field.
I have played against (Michel) Platini, (Diego) Maradona, (Johan) Cruyff and played with George Best — a lot of big names, but none of them has been able to do what Messi does. Two years ago I said that the best player I played against was Maradona and the best player I have played with was Bestie. But I can now say I have never seen a player as good as Messi. He’s in a league of his own.
If you are not playing a player, any player, for two, three, four games, then you don't have to give a reason for that. But if it gets to eight or nine games, then you have to explain the situation. What's going on?
You ask me: 'Was he a fair player?' I say: 'No, I'm sorry, for me he was not a fair player.' I just think I respect him highly as a quality player. I did not like some things he did on the football pitch and I have the right to say that. It's not because you are older, suddenly, that you are a saint.
The mentor thing is overblown to me. I'm going to coach the player. I'm not going to have another player coach the player. They can be friends but when it comes to what I want him to do on the football field, that's my call, not another player's call.
When you study, as I did, every theatrical beginning in this country, none of them have been greeted well. The Royal Shakespeare Company was a disaster, Peter Hall was a disaster, Richard Eyre was a disaster, Trevor Nunn was always a disaster.
Administrators guide players and I have played for such a long time, I understand how it feels as a player. You can say I am a player's administrator.
We've seen what happened in Libya, what a disaster that's been driven by Hillary Clinton, and the disaster in Syria and almost disaster in Egypt. What a close call that's been. We're not out of the woods yet with Egypt.
If we win trophies, it is the most important thing. Of course, it's good for a player to win individual awards and I will never say I don't want to be the best player in the league or I don't want to be the PFA Player of the Season.
As a player, that's not your responsibility to comment and to give your opinion on another player. As a quarterback, I don't want another quarterback tweeting about my performance or judging me in that way.
I played many times as a player in European competition and I know how it can make a player better to play those kind of games.
No, Simi. No food. (Astrid) ‘No, Simi. No food.’ You sound like akri. ‘Don’t eat that, Simi, you’ll cause an ecological disaster.’ What is an ecological disaster, that’s what I want to know? Akri says it’s me on hunger binge, but I don’t think that’s quite right, but that’s all he’ll say about it. (Simi)
Sometimes it's good to not be able to buy everything, because then it gives you something to look forward to. That's why you shouldn't give kids too much - then they have nothing to look forward to. It's a recipe for disaster. What if you have a daughter and you give her everything and then she marries someone who can't give her everything? A recipe for disaster.
I want people to say that an African basketball player is the best player in the whole world.
Today, as never before, the fates of men are so intimately linked to one another that a disaster for one is a disaster for everybody.
Many say that (Pete) Sampras is the greatest player. But I say with all due respect to the rest, that he (Roger Federer) is the most complete player in the world so far.
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