A Quote by Marc Lamont Hill

Part of the narrative which is sort of supported by the data is that Trump voters are the least educated, and they're voting for Trump out of white solidarity or out of frustration that they're, quote, unquote, "losing their country". And my concern with that is that it sort of reduces the condition of the Trump voter to one of pure ignorance. And I think it's far more complicated.
The Trump voter isn't just an ignorant white guy in the South that if he were more educated would vote differently. The Trump voter is also someone who is dealing with an entirely new economy that his father, grandfather or grandmother didn't have to face 30, 40, 50, 60 years ago.
I'm not defending the Trump vote. I think they're making a bad choice. But I'm saying the bad choice isn't one out of pure ignorance, and I think it's too easy. And it plays into cliches about, you know, elitist liberals to say, oh, these Trump voters - if they knew more, they would do better. And it's like, well, maybe they would do better if we had a legitimate set of policies in place that doesn't encourage the kind of gross radicalization that has happened under the Trump candidacy. So for me, it's all about developing a richer conversation.
The left and the media hope Trump is doing a Nixon in the White House. They wish he's in the corner with an adult beverage at night talking to himself because of all the misery and all the hatred. They think he desperately wants to be loved and he's figuring out that he's hated. But that is so far from the truth. Trump is reveling in it and enjoying it. I think Trump was fully aware that this was going to happen.
Donald Trump singled out three particular states where he claimed there was, quote, "serious voter fraud" - Virginia, New Hampshire and California. Trump lost all three of those states.
While the left will attempt to drown out Trump's political accomplishments with unfounded allegations of Russian collusion, the voters who made Trump commander-in-chief will likely reach a different conclusion. Trump has proven himself loyal to the voters who put him there.
Whatever happened to Trump Airlines? How about Trump University? And then there's Trump Magazine and Trump Vodka and Trump Steaks, and Trump Mortgage? A business genius he [Donald Trump] is not.
People in the media often tend to assume it`s like Trump and [Ted] Cruz fighting over the same voters but when you look at the people who say they`re voting for Donald Trump he does as well with voters who describe themselves as moderate or liberal as he does with voters who themselves as very conservative. So, not all the Trump base would go to Cruz as a second choice.
People voting for Donald Trump are doing so for a whole lot of different reasons, but I think there is a typical Trump voter. I think they're there for specific reasons.
All of this unrest and all the riots and all the protests, really the anger is at all of you who voted for Donald Trump and voted for Republicans. That's really the nub of it. They're angry at Trump, but Trump wouldn't be there if it weren't for you. They are angry. They feel rejected. The American people, and I've already told you how they think of Trump voters. They think Trump voters are uneducated, Deliverance types. You're fools, you're idiots, you're uneducated, you're unsophisticated, you're just an embarrassment, you're an American embarrassment.
Trump represents 30 percent of right wing ideology of white scared people. People who have freaked out as Trump points the blame on Mexicans when you have what you have in Europe. He is making all of the white people scared only 3 out of 10 people really believe all the stuff that is being said by him. You have to remember that there are still 7 out of 10 people in this country who don't think his ideas are good ideas. I am not afraid of Trump; I am more afraid of the people that think his ideas are good.
I had crazy experience when I was talking to voters at the Nevada caucus the other night in Vegas. Voter after voter after voter, these are Republican primary voters, caucus goers, saying I don`t listen to Fox anymore. I can`t trust Fox anymore. I`m over them. And these were all [Donald] Trump supporters who he had successfully sort of pried their trust away from the thing they have been trusting for years.
[Donald] Trump's path to victory depends on getting historic levels of support from white voters, and particularly large numbers of white, non-college-educated voters.
The first mistake in the New York Times is worrying about granting Trump access. They're not "granting" Trump access. Trump is commanding access. Trump is taking access. Trump is dictating the daily narrative.
There are people who think that Trump's base was created by Steve Bannon - they are Alt-Right white nationalists and so forth - and that if Bannon ever turned on Trump, that everybody that voted for Trump would abandon Trump if Bannon leaves. I think that's just so much BS, I can't tell you, and so does people who voted for Trump.
I think there is a core of Trump supporters who, as he said during the campaign, he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue. They are not rattled by anything they have seen. They're sticking with him, so they're happy to sort of see him back out there being Trump.
Everybody dealing with Trump is making the big mistake of trying to plug Trump into the age-old political handbook. Trump's not part of that. You don't deal with Trump in the standard, political handbook way on policy and issues and things like that. That's not the way to separate Trump supporters from Trump. It isn't gonna work.
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