A Quote by Marcel Duchamp

The curious thing about that moustache and goatee is that when you look at the Mona Lisa it becomes a man. It is not a woman disguised as a man; it is a real man, and that was my discovery, without realising it at the time.
We look at the Mona Lisa and say we're going to do our version of the Mona Lisa. We mirror it. But exaptation would say that painting the Mona Lisa would lead to a whole new place... Bugs Bunny.
A man can't hit a woman and stay a man. He becomes a loathsome thing, even to himself. But the woman who stays with such a man panders to his darkness. They both risk their souls.
Friendship can exist between persons of different sexes, without any coarse or sensual feelings; yet a woman always looks upon a man as a man, and so a man will look upon a woman as a woman.
To be a real man, I think you have to be supportive of each other and to be a real woman you have to be supportive of your man, and the man has to do the same thing, only then he would be a real man.
A woman isn't complete without a man. But where do you find a man - a real man - these days?
I suggested that it was not enough to add a moustache to the Mona Lisa: it should simply be destroyed.
From woman, man is born; within woman, man is conceived; to woman he is engaged and married. Woman becomes his friend; through woman, the future generations come. When his woman dies, he seeks another woman; to woman he is bound. So why call her bad? From her, kings are born. From woman, woman is born; without woman, there would be no one at all.
I'm not trying to put our women on a pedestal that they don't deserve to be on. No man is a "man" without a woman: It's a woman that helps the man to be a man.
Everybody can draw, in my estimation. If you give a man 50 years, he'll come up with the Mona Lisa.
It is not enough to deface the Mona Lisa because that does not kill the Mona Lisa. All art of the past must be destroyed.
After a few years of marriage a man can look right at a woman without seeing her and a woman can see right through a man without looking at him.
A woman without a man cannot meet a man, any man, of any age, without thinking, even if it's for a half-second, 'Perhaps this is THE man.
There's something sexy about a man or a woman when they have definition in their shoulders and their arms. When I'm at a restaurant, whether it's a man in a sleeveless top or a woman, I can't help but look.
The mark of man is initiative, but the mark of woman is cooperation. Man talks about freedom; woman about sympathy, love, sacrifice. Man cooperates with nature; woman cooperates with God. Man was called to till the earth, to "rule over the earth"; woman to be the bearer of a life that comes from God.
When a man, however passively, becomes an obstacle to the fulfillment of a woman's desires, he becomes an odious thing in her eyes, - or will, given time enough.
The most important thing about marriage is that the man must not let the woman feel downtrodden simply because she is a woman and he is a man.
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