A Quote by Marcus Tullius Cicero

He cannot be strict in judging, who does not wish others to be strict judges of himself. — © Marcus Tullius Cicero
He cannot be strict in judging, who does not wish others to be strict judges of himself.
He that judges without informing himself to the utmost that he is capable, cannot acquit himself of judging amiss
In music, the punctuation is absolutely strict, the bars and rests are absolutely defined. But our punctuation cannot be quite strict, because we have to relate it to the audience. In other words we are continually changing the score.
I was a strict disciplinarian, perhaps too strict at times, but my God, without discipline what is life?
I'm a strict, strict agnostic. It's very different from a casual, 'I don't know.' It's that you cannot present as knowledge something that is not knowledge. You can present it as faith, you can present it as belief, but you can't present it as fact.
My parents were strict with school, strict with grades. I had piano classes, horseback riding, dance.
One of my strict, strict rules is a no auto-tune policy.
My mum was quite strict, so I was in a very strict household.
The way I was parented did affect my parenting - probably in the reverse. My dad was pretty strict, and the next generation probably wants to be less strict.
I was not the pampered baby, no. I'm five years younger, and my parents were actually very strict with me, more strict than with the other ones.
Because the union of a man and woman deserves an honored place in our society, I support the protection of marriage against activist judges. And I will continue to appoint federal judges who know the difference between personal opinion and the strict interpretation of the law.
My nana was strict and didn't express a lot, so naturally, I was scared of him. I would even get the usual 'strict-father' scolding if I didn't study or stick to my curfew.
We've been agreeing on a strict immigration policy to Norway for a long time. It's supposed to be fair, but it's supposed to be strict.
I definitely worked really hard to evoke Frankie Valli, but not do a strict imitation, because I feel that a strict imitation is not as compelling to watch.
Conservatives like to insist that their judges are strict constructionists, giving the Constitution and statutes their precise meaning and no more, while judges like Ms. Sotomayor are activists. But there is no magic right way to interpret terms like 'free speech' or 'due process' - or potato chip.
My parents were always very strict, and they gave me the right beliefs in how to treat people. It was very strict and all about morals - I try to pass that on to my own children.
My parents were strict. They weren't as strict on me as they were with the others, but my mother didn't want us to get on anyone's nerves... Go to someone else's house and drive their parents crazy. Another thing was they didn't want us to get into a lot of things that a lot of kids - if they're not careful - can slip into.
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