A Quote by Marcus Tullius Cicero

There is nothing better fitted to delight the reader than change of circumstances and varieties of fortune. — © Marcus Tullius Cicero
There is nothing better fitted to delight the reader than change of circumstances and varieties of fortune.
Nothing contributes to the entertainment of the reader more, than the change of times and the vicissitudes of fortune.
If we look round the world, there seem to be not above six distinct varieties in the human species, each of which is strongly marked, and speaks the kind seldom to have mixed with any other. But there is nothing in the shape, nothing in the faculties, that shows their coming from different originals; and the varieties of climate, of nourishment, and custom, are sufficient to produce every change.
Nothing is more dangerous to men than a sudden change of fortune.
There is nothing which continues longer than a moderate fortune; nothing of which one sees sooner the end than a large fortune.
Unlike private enterprise which quickly modifies its actions to meet emergencies - unlike the shopkeeper who promptly finds the wherewith to satisfy a sudden demand - unlike the railway company which doubles its trains to carry a special influx of passengers; the law-made instrumentality lumbers on under all varieties of circumstances at its habitual rate. By its very nature it is fitted only for average requirements, and inevitably fails under unusual requirements.
In an age of global standardization, regional voices also remind both writer and reader that no life is lived generically. If the purpose of literature is truly, as the ancients insisted, to instruct and delight, then what better to understand and enjoy than the here and the now?
Loss is nothing else but change, and change is Nature's delight.
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I just share my story in hopes that some people out there who have gone through different circumstances might be encouraged and inspired that even in their circumstances to know that there is nothing God can't change.
Nothing keeps longer than a middling fortune, and nothing melts away sooner than a large one.
A change of fortune hurts a wise man no more than a change of the moon.
I have gotten better at being patient and sitting with discomfort. Before I would worry and try to fix an issue and force circumstances to change or try to change people's minds sooner than was realistic. Now I wait and trust that everything passes and time really does heal everything.
Happiness is always a choice. You can't wait for circumstances to get better. You have to create your own good fortune. So look for ways to be happy every day.
All this [Paul's writing] is nothing better than the jargon of a conjurer who picks up phrases he does not understand to confound the credulous people who come to have their fortune told. Age of Reason
God doesn't always change the circumstances, but He can change us to meet the circumstances. That's what it means to live by faith.
Pray and seek for strength to change our circumstances rather than praying for our circumstances to be changed
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