A Quote by Mardy Fish

I practice kickboxing and Muay Thai right now, like, come on, I'll take anyone on in the ring. You can punch me in the face all you want, and I'll hit you back. — © Mardy Fish
I practice kickboxing and Muay Thai right now, like, come on, I'll take anyone on in the ring. You can punch me in the face all you want, and I'll hit you back.
100 Muay Thai, boxing, and kickboxing fights. Six times world Muay Thai champion, five times European Muay Thai champion, very dominant UFC champion for three years. I know my legacy. They can say whatever they want to, but I'm huge.
I, throughout my life, wanted to be a wrestler. I also wanted to be a kickboxer. And I also wanted to make video games. Obviously, kickboxing - not happening. Ever. I do not want to get Muay Thai'd in the face!
I love every type of martial arts, but with Muay Thai in general, I want to see it being brought to the public more. There is no movie that has Muay Thai incorporated into it, so I want to bring that to the public.
I've really taken a lot of time to work on my Karate, worked on my kickboxing, and Muay Thai.
I train in Muay Thai, kickboxing, traditional boxing, wrestling, jiujitsu, and a little bit of judo.
My happiness is being able to present my talents for people to see, and I feel like I'm an ambassador of Thai history and Thai culture on film so that people can see Muay Thai.
You hear stories about me beating my brains out practicing, but the truth is, I was enjoying myself. I couldn't wait to get up in the morning so I could hit balls. I'd be at the practice tee at the crack of dawn, hit balls for a few hours, then take a break and get right back to it. And I still thoroughly enjoy it. When I'm hitting the ball where I want, hard and crisply - when anyone is - it's a joy that very few people experience.
Anderson knees people in the face from the clinch. That guy is a world class Muay Thai fighter.
I do MMA so I will train for whatever it is. Recently I did jujitsu and strength training, but other days I will do kickboxing, muay thai. It's just a matter of what I have on the schedule. Some days I just do cardio for an hour. I am not a yoga person. Whatever I do, it has to be extreme. I like higher-intensity workouts.
I don't think it's ever hard to punch someone in the face who's just punched you in the face. I would say that anyone who thinks they can walk up to someone and punch them in the face without getting punched back is an idiot. At the end of the day, if someone came up here and punched you, trust me, you would fight back. That is just basic survival.
I thought Ring Of Honor didn't have any British guys. And I can come to Ring Of Honor and not only have they not seen anyone like me before, there's not anyone that can talk like me, wrestle like me, see my character is pretty unique, so that was important for me.
I like to train in my Muay Thai gym that I co-own.
Earlier, I used to do yoga, but now I have started doing kickboxing and Thai Chai.
For the last years now I've had my own academy where I train Brazilian Jujitsu and Tae boxing, Muay Thai everyday.
I do know that I can take a punch. I've been punched in the face three times. That's, I think, a really important thing to know about yourself. It helps you in life. It helps you be brave when you know you can take a punch. I'm a lover, not a fighter. But, God bless me, I can take a punch.
We want the right people, the ones who love to play football. I want a guy who, if I punch him in the mouth, doesn't stand there and say, ?Why did you punch me?' I want the guy who punches me back first, and then asks me why I did it.
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