A Quote by Margaret Hoover

I think there's an extraordinary overlap between - sort of philosophically, and even in terms of their supporters - between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. And that is not a part of the Venn diagram that I relate to or identify with when it comes to being a Republican.
The overlap in the Venn diagram of things that men hate for women to wear and the things that I love to wear, it's almost a full overlap on the Venn diagram, which is unfortunate for me.
It`s been a long and tumultuous relationship between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz that started off more or less as allies during the Republican primary. As Trump took the early lead in polls, Cruz stuck with the strategy of drafting off of the front-runner waiting for the moment to make his move.
I'm beginning to think [Ted] Cruz had a good convention, that if [Donald] Trump goes down, Cruz is pretty well positioned to be the Republican major figure in four, six or even within two years.
I mean, what was really interesting is that, you know, Ted Cruz put out this ad with little kids saying that Donald Trump essentially is pretending to be a Republican, which is a little bit odd because Ted Cruz is not been the biggest Republican Party booster, right.
No one is spreading any kind of rumors or saying anything about Donald Trump supporters or, for that matter, the supporters of Ted Cruz and everyone else.
You look at these primaries so far, do you realize they don't like [Ted] Cruz either, Ted - Chris [Christie]. In fact, maybe they dislike Cruz more than [Donald] Trump. But Cruz and Trump are the only guys that have won anything. The establishment candidates in this race cannot get noticed.
From where I sit, it's a superb cabinet [for Donald Trump] so far. A lot of these choices could have been made by Ted Cruz. So you're going to have this shotgun marriage between a very orthodox Republican cabinet and a very unorthodox.
[Ted Cruz] is changed his mind, decided it`s in his best interest to be for [Donald] Trump, which what that says to me is Ted Cruz is a totally craven politician and will say anything to win, but isn`t even good at it.
[Donald] Trump won fair and square! He got 13.3 million votes. He won all over the country. He won when the race was crowded and when it was a one on one against Ted Cruz. There's just no reasonable way to keep Trump from the nomination while insisting that the will of the Republican voter is being respected.
People like Ted Cruz, who has tried to position himself as the best second choice for [Donald] Trump supporters, wouldn't condemn him.
[Donald Trump] spreading preposterous rumors that [Ted] Cruz`s father had connections to Lee Harvey Oswald and the assassination of JFK. That put a bit of a damper on the bromance ultimately culminating in Cruz`s epic non-endorsement at the Republican convention.
Donald Trump did question Ted Cruz's evangelical credentials. Remember when Trump said, "How can somebody who lies as much as Ted Cruz lies be an evangelical Christian?"
On my radio show Chris Christie came to the defense of Ted Cruz, noting that - I guess at a rally, that - one of those Iran rallies on Capitol Hill, I believe even Donald Trump, according to Christie, had acknowledged that, you know, Ted Cruz of course was eligible, and just because he was born in Canada.
Donald Trump didn't have a polling operation until very late in his campaign. How did he know what to do? That the Ted Cruz people leaked their polls to Trump because they were looking forward to eliminating all the other rivals, clearing the way for a Cruz-Trump fight that they were certain Cruz would win. In the end, Cruz was the last man standing, it's true. If he had known at the beginning what he knew at the end, he might have thought twice. The Congressional Republican Party thought they could make Trump their tool to impose their very unpopular agenda. Instead, they became his tool.
Presidential candidate Donald Trump had a meeting with Ted Cruz. He said he does not know why he agreed to fly to New York to meet Ted Cruz and then he promised to bring that kind of leadership to the Oval Office.
I was a Republican before Donald Trump was a Republican. I was a Republican when Donald Trump was a Democrat. I was a Republican when Donald Trump was an independent. And I'm going to be a Republican when Donald Trump gets tired of being a Republican.
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