A Quote by Margaret Mead

Human nature is potentially aggressive and destructive and potentially orderly and constructive. — © Margaret Mead
Human nature is potentially aggressive and destructive and potentially orderly and constructive.
The notion of love as a potentially destructive and potentially redemptive human force is something that comes across in all my books.
Potentially evil. Potentially good, too, I suppose. Just this huge powerful potentiality waiting to be shaped.
It's because I do see sex as sacred and potentially spiritual that I believe in commercializing it and making this potentially holy experience more easily available to all.
As human beings we have the same experience of destructive and constructive emotions. We also have a human mind capable of developing wisdom. We all have the same Buddha nature.
This is a perverted perception of ambassador's job to say that every contact with a Russian ambassador is potentially dangerous and potentially can put in a line of activities interfering in domestic affairs.
That is potentially putting us all in the target hairs now is the reactivation of a new nuclear arms race. This arms race and this cold war is potentially hotter than it's been at any time in my lifetime.
Moreover, war has become a thing potentially so terrible and destructive that it should have been the common aim of statesmen to put an end to it forever.
The world is beset by many problems, but in my opinion, this hijacking of our brain's reward centers by electronic media is potentially one of the most destructive.
We should take comfort in two conjoined features of nature: first, that our world is incredibly strange and therefore supremely fascinating, second, that however bizarre and arcane our world might be, nature remains potentially comprehensible to the human mind.
Compared to the '88 GOP race, the Democratic fight to succeed Clinton was orderly and drama-free. In the formative days of the campaign, Vice President Al Gore seemed at least potentially vulnerable.
Over there you think of nothing but becoming President of the United States some day. Potentially every man is Presidential timber. Here it's different. Here every man is potentially a zero. If you become something or somebody it is an accident, a miracle.
There are potentially hundreds of billion dollars, potentially more, that could be saved by moving to a clean energy system. Studies [on healthier diet] show those savings, in fact, are enough to pay the costs of creating 100% clean renewable energy.
The English are potentially very aggressive, very violent
We will play football. We will box and play lacrosse and ice hockey and snowboard and surf and drive fast cars, climb trees, and do dozens of things that we know are potentially concussive. We will do this because we are human and animals, and we like speed and contact and aggressive maneuvering and all such things.
I'm not a god or the God, but we're all God and we're all potentially divine - and potentially evil. We all have everything within us and the Kingdom of Heaven is nigh and within us, and if you look hard enough you'll see it.
And this lies in the nature of things: What people are potentially is revealed in actuality by what they produce.
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