A Quote by Maria Cornejo

I always say you can only change things from within. It's all about energy. If it's positive, then - even, like, somebody you don't like, saying hello to them one day just switches the conversation, and instead of being angry, I think it's good.
I'm into crystals and good energy and harnessing more. It's just like prayer. It helps you be grateful, think about good things, and keep that positive energy around you.
It's very hard, I think, for critics to write positive reviews, because there's not that much to say about something you like. You can kind of say 'I really like that band' and then if you're forced to fill up the rest of an article, you've got to start saying heady things. It's much easier to say negative things in a review.
My granny Torrelli says when you are angry with someone, so angry you are thinking hateful things, so angry maybe you want to punch them, then you should think of the good things about them, and the nice things they've said, and why you liked them in the first place.
I'm capable offstage of having some dark, twisted thoughts but the kind of things I like to do onstage are just more conceptual and I don't even think of them as being clean. I don't sit down and think, "Man, I'm going to come up with some lily-white comedy!" They're just things that I like to talk about, and then at the end of the day you think, "Well, I guess that was clean" but it's not the focus.
I no longer become angry. I not only do not say angry words, I do not even think angry thoughts! If someone does an unkind thing to me I feel only compassion instead of resentment. Even upon those who cause suffering I look with deep compassion, knowing the harvest of sorrow that lies in store for them. If there were those who hated me, I would love them in return, knowing that hatred can only be overcome by love, and knowing that there is good in all human beings which can be reached by a loving approach.
We would like you to reach the place where you're not willing to listen to people criticize one another... where you take no satisfaction from somebody being wrong... where it matters to you so much that you feel good, that you are only willing to think positive things about people... you are only willing to look for positive aspects; you are only willing to look for solutions, and you are not willing to beat the drum of all of the problems of the world.
I kind of connected the dots, like, 'Oh, we're just saying stuff. We're just saying things that make sense, so let's just say them like you say them in real life.' It was my first and one of my only acting lessons 'cause I never really studied acting.
Whenever people say nice things to me, I think they're just saying them because I'm standing right in front of them. Even when I read articles that say good things about me, I forget about them right away. When I read about people pointing out my flaws, however, I think about them a lot.
I haven't always been good at flirting, but I've learned that flirting is all about confidence. I don't think it's about being sexy at all; it's just about having enough confidence to walk up to somebody and have a conversation with them.
There have been plenty of things that I've written that other people haven't cared about, but it hasn't stopped me from being a writer. So, I don't even think about other people. I'm just interested writing about human beings so if somebody calls and says, 'We'd like you to do it,' I'd say, 'That sounds like a cool idea.'
When you say 'Hello Wembley!' you're not just saying hello to a large shed. You're saying, 'Hello, I'm following all the greats that have played here before.'
I'm always angry. I wake up angry. There is a lot to be angry about. Anger is a positive energy.
Instead of being insecure and jealous and suspicious and wonder if every guy is going to cheat on me, I decided to say, "Nope. This will be totally enough for somebody one day." That was a real script flip and it changed the rest of my life in such a positive way. So I feel like I want to teach stuff like that to my girls.
The only thing that I can personally turn to is compassion, gentleness, a willingness to allow myself to be angry instead of like why am I so angry. It's so embarrassing. I've got to let this go. I'm not going to be a good person if I walk around angry like this.
The only time I'm not Hulk Hogan is when I'm behind closed doors because as soon as I walk out the front door, and somebody says hello to me, I can't just say 'hello' like Terry. When they see me, they see the blond hair, the mustache, and the bald head, they instantly think Hulk Hogan.
What I learned constructive about women, not just ethics like never blame them if they pox you because somebody poxed them and lots of times they don't even know they have it โ€” that's in the first reader for squares โ€” is, no matter how they get, always think of them the way they were on the best day they ever had.
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