A Quote by Maria Montessori

Peace is what every human being is craving for, and it can be brought about by humanity through the child. — © Maria Montessori
Peace is what every human being is craving for, and it can be brought about by humanity through the child.
The science of the mind can only have for its proper goal the understanding of human nature by every human being, and through its use, brings peace to every human soul.
I believe in recognizing every human being as a human being--neither white, black, brown, or red; and when you are dealing with humanity as a family there's no question of integration or intermarriage. It's just one human being marrying another human being or one human being living around and with another human being.
This peace is not the absence of anything. Real peace is the presence of something beautiful. Both peace and the thirst for it have been in the heart of every human being in every century and every civilization.
Every single human being is a unique human being. And, therefore, it's so criminal to do something to that human being, because he or she represents humanity.
Every sort of seven billion human being have to think about the well-being of humanity.
I'm talking about the essence of humanity. Hope is mixed into the blood of every human being, everywhere and in every time.
Every single case of inherited defect, every malformed child, every congenitally tainted human being brought into this world is of infinite importance to that poor individual; but it is of scarcely less importance to the rest of us and to all of our children who must pay in one way or another for these biological and racial mistakes.
By virtue of being born to humanity, every human being has a right to the development and fulfillment of his potentialities as a human being.
I have learned from my own pain is that God's plan for all of us is peace. Being a role model to peace, and spreading peace through being peaceful ourselves. It's about choosing peace instead of pain - this is the bottom line.
Every human being has to find their own peace. Peace is within you and me. When you and I can experience who we really are, what life is, and what we are doing here, that's the day peace will begin in this world.
At the southern tip of the continent, a rich reward is in the making, an invaluable gift is in the preparation, for those who suffered in the name of all humanity when they sacrificed everything - for liberty, peace, human dignity and human fulfillment. The value of our shared reward will and must be measured by the joyful peace which will triumph, because of the common humanity that bonds both black and white into one human race, will have said to each one of us that we shall all live like the children of paradise.
This photographic thing has changed the entire vision of the world. It will go through every activity of humanity - science, medicine, space, ESP, for peace, against peace, entertainment, television, movies, all of them - you will not find one without photography.
Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government. They are every human being's entitlement by virtue of his humanity.
Although psychology and pedagogy have always maintained the belief that a child is a happy being without any conflicts, and have assumed that the sufferings of adults are the results of the burdens and hardships of reality, it must be asserted that just the opposite is true. What we learn about the child and the adult through psychoanalysis shows that all the sufferings of later life are for the most part repetitions of these earlier ones, and that every child in the first years of life goes through and immeasurable degree of suffering.
Humanity's mission is to find a peace that lies beyond the veil - a peace that is not of this world. The peace that is not of this world is not dependent on human circumstances.
To Mercy Pity Peace and Love All pray in their distress, And to these virtues of delight Return their thankfulness. For Mercy Pity Peace and Love Is God our father dear. And Mercy Pity Peace and Love Is Man his child and care. Then every man of every clime That prays in his distress Prays to the human form divine: Love Mercy Pity Peace. And all must love the human form In heathen, Turk, or Jew. Where Mercy, Love and Pity dwell There God is dwelling too.
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