A Quote by Maria V. Snyder

Knowing and believing are sometimes hard to combine. — © Maria V. Snyder
Knowing and believing are sometimes hard to combine.
Seeing is believing and believing is knowing and knowing beats unknowing and the unknown.
I try to combine in my paintings cinematic feeling, emotional feeling, and sometimes actually writing on the page to combine all the different elements of communication.
Like a ventriloquist who laughs at his dummy's jokes, I keep trying to make photographs that seduce me into believing in the image - all the time knowing better, but believing anyway.
Knowing is higher than believing. Knowing means that there is NO doubt.
The biggest thing in this game - to last - is to have belief in yourself. Because when the owner stops believing in you and the GM stops believing in you and the coaches stop believing in you, sometimes all you have is yourself.
Sometimes people have a hard time believing that a company is intentionally trying to make itself smaller.
I feel so disassociated from my writing - whether it's in book form or magazine - that I sometimes have a hard time believing that it's mine.
Knowledge, may it be said, is higher than magic and is more to be sought. It is quite possible to see what is happening and yet not know what is forward, for while seeing is believing, it does not follow that either seeing or believing is knowing.
I've become to realize there's a world of difference between knowing something happened, even knowing why it happened, and believing it.
So sometimes things are ahead and sometimes they are behind; Sometimes breathing is hard, sometimes it comes easily; Sometimes there is strength and sometimes weakness; Sometimes one is up and sometimes down. Therefore the sage avoids extremes, excesses, and complacency.
Believing in evolution is believing in the unproved, while believing in Christ is believing in the proven.
We took on things which people might think would take a year or two. They weren't particularly hard. What was hard was believing they weren't hard.
The Art of Love: knowing how to combine the temperament of a vampire with the discretion of an anemone.
Sometimes, I pinch myself. Through everything, its about hard work... believing in yourself and in the American dream. Believe that you can make something out of yourself.
Knowing that things are going to slow down in the future, no matter what, that allows me to work hard now, make hay while the sun is shining and knowing that - while momentum is rolling - we have to hit it hard.
Hard times is not being able to get a fight. Hard times is, knowing the company, waking up one day and seeing they been sold to your competitor, not knowing what you're going to do. Where's my contract at? Where's my money? Where's my security?
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