A Quote by Marion Cotillard

If I just wear something because I feel like myself and I'm comfortable, that's okay - and that goes even for more edgy things. But if I try too much, or if I even try, it doesn't work. It doesn't feel natural, and I feel very uncomfortable.
Fashion is very much emotional. When you see it, or when you wear the right clothing, or you wear whatever, it's supposed to make you feel something. You're supposed to feel some type of emotion, and I feel like I try to do that when I'm on a red carpet.
I don't know that I feel comfortable playing a villain; as a matter of fact I probably don't feel comfortable, which is why I like it so much. It's just an opportunity to try something different.
How does it feel? Really, I don't know because I never try to feel more or less than any player in Leverkusen or Mexico. I don't feel like I'm more famous than other players; I'm just one more footballer who wants to achieve their dreams and to try to help their team as much as they can to do that.
I try to go with the flow, and I feel pretty comfortable with who I am. I feel courageous enough to go outside myself and try something new, like everything in life.
I have a lot of social engagements, and I like to dress up for them. I try to wear what I feel comfortable in, as self-confidence is so much about how you look. Generally, I love to wear long dresses; they make you feel special.
Physically it's kind of lassitude, the apathy and tiredness that precedes the flu or some other illness, or death. My legs ache and feel heavy, my skin has become more sensitive to cold and to heat, to the hardness or rigidity of things. Nothing interests me, I feel uncomfortable being still but would feel even more uncomfortable if I moved. I don't know whether speaking is painful or just boring. I sit here, staring straight ahead, with no desires, no needs, hollow. I'm not even sad. I feel only passivity and indifference.
I worked with the late Leonard Frey. I did a play, and I would have these ideas and he would say, "I don't know. Try it." And I would try it and it would be awful, and he would go, "What do you think?" And I would go, "It was awful." And he goes, "Okay, we'll try something else." And that's great because it really makes you feel less working-for and more working-with. There's nothing better than to feel a part of the team.
My style is understated because everything I wear, I want it to have an effortless feel to it. I always want to be comfortable in my clothes and feel like myself, but I like to usually throw in some edge in there somewhere, even just with a leather jacket. But overall, always gotta keep it classy!
I try to stay level-headed and it's always the way I've been. Sometimes your personality out in the real world, you want to take that into your sport because that's where you feel comfortable. You never want to try to do something that's not you or you don't feel comfortable doing. That's where you get in trouble. It's the only way I've played sports and done things. I'm low-key, but I'm very competitive and hate to lose.
The more I work, the more I try to keep myself open like a raw nerve. When I feel things in a story, I want the audience to feel them as well.
If it's something that I feel uncomfortable with, that's a reason for me to write it. I kind of like to make myself feel uncomfortable. I think if you're starting to feel uncomfortable with something when you're writing it, that's the reason really to push on with it.
I feel really happy like with 'Derry Girls,' I feel happy to be part of something that young people are like, that is dysfunctional and you feel awkward in relationships and you try to find someone that makes you feel comfortable.
I feel like no matter what I write about, I try to end up being the stronger person in the situation. Even in heartbreak, I feel like I'm a much stronger person because of that. I don't want to just write a sad song and still feel sad after that. I want to feel stronger and better.
I'm just looking to make good movies and looking to be as good as I can be in them and that's about it. But I feel much more comfortable doing a comedy, but the fact that I got to try a few dramas, I feel I've tested myself a little bit.
I work too much to be an appropriate parent. I feel like a bad mom to my dog some days because I'm just not here enough. I just feel like I would do a bad job if I took the time to literally give birth to a kid right now and try and juggle everything I'm doing.
I think I'm one of those people that needed to be seen by someone else to see myself. But then on the other hand, the way I do my work, I always try to only completely focus on my work, so when I do my work I'm only interested in my character. So I don't have an idea of what it means for my career. So this is why I don't feel like I need to be discovered, because I feel like even without being discovered, I will be fine.
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