A Quote by Mark Driscoll

Work like an Arminian, sleep like a Calvinist. — © Mark Driscoll
Work like an Arminian, sleep like a Calvinist.

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Satan does not care whether he drags you down to hell as a Calvinist or as an Arminian, so long as he can get you there.
For the Arminian, salvation is possible for all but certain for none. In the Calvinist position, salvation is sure for God's elect.
I love to be busy. I'm envious of people who are able to take their spare time and relax. All I like to do is work. Perhaps it's lingering Calvinist guilt?
When most people come in from work, 95 percent of them reach for the remote control. Then they read before they go to sleep, to get off to sleep. They do that because reading feels like a duty, and TV feels like fun.
Sleep would be so welcome. A warm blanket of black to erase everything else. Sleep without dreams. I've heard people talk about the sleep of the dead. Is that what death would feel like? The nicest, warmest, heaviest never-ending nap? If that's what it's like, I wouldn't mind. If that's what dying is like, I wouldn't mind that at all.
I used to exist on just two or three hours of sleep, no problem, like sleep wasn't even a thought. Sleep was just like a chore that you had to do late at night.
I sleep as much as I want. I'll sleep, like, 11 hours, unless I'm working. Sometimes I do feel like, 'This is weird; I should just get up so I can fit into the world.' Then I'm like, 'Why?' I don't have a nine-to-five job.
Everyone thinks I like to sleep. It's not that I like to sleep, it's that I don't like to get up! There is a difference.
When you become a mom you just learn how to function sleep deprived and you do get used to it. I came back to work when Finley was three months old and the first few months were rough. Then somehow you learn to exist on no sleep and now when he does upon occasion sleep through the night, which is like a full six hours, you're pretty sure he's suffocating. So you don't sleep anyway.
I am going to outlive myself. Eat, sleep, sleep, eat. Exist slowly, softly, like these trees, like a puddle of water, like the red bench in the streetcar.
To square the records, however, it should be said that if the Calvinist does not rise as high, he usually stays up longer. He places more emphasis on the Holy Scriptures which never change, while his opposite number (as the newspapers say) tends to judge his spiritual condition by the state of his feelings, which change constantly. This may be the reason that so many Calvinistic churches remain orthodox for centuries, at least in doctrine, while many churches of the Arminian persuasion often go liberal in one generation.
Well, I like to eat, sleep, drink, and be in love. I like to work, read, learn, and understand life.
I don't sleep very much. I really like to work, though. I feel like a kid in a candy store.
You're trying to sleep off a debt that you've lumbered your brain and body with during the week, and wouldn't it be lovely if sleep worked like that? Sadly, it doesn't. Sleep is not like the bank, so you can't accumulate a debt and then try and pay it off at a later point in time.
Sleep and I do not have a good relationship. We have never been good friends. I am constantly chasing sleep and then pushing it away. A good night's sleep is my white whale. Like Ahab, I am also a total drama queen about it. I love to talk about how little sleep I get. I brag about it, as if it is a true indication of how hard I work.
In real life, being a new mom, I would like to be able to sleep. I'd like to snap my fingers and be asleep because I'm a little sleep-deprived, at the moment.
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